
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

打扮用英语可以说成dress up,或者是在口语中常用的fix up或spruce up也可以表示打扮的意思。

例如:She dressed up for the party and looked stunning.He fixed himself up before going out on a date.I need to spruce up before the job interview.

"Dress up"是一个常见的短语,用于表示打扮或穿上漂亮的衣服。下面是使用"dress up"的一些场景和示例:

1.派对聚会:当你收到邀请去参加派对或聚会时,你可能想要选择一个好看的衣服,并首先考虑如何打扮自己。这时候可以用"dress up"。I'm going to dress up for the party tonight.She likes to dress up in fancy clothes for special occasions.

2.工作场合:在工作和商务场合,我们通常会穿着正式的衣服,以显示出我们的专业素养和礼貌。这时可以用"dress up"表示这种状态。He always dresses up in a suit and tie for work.She dressed up for the job interview to make a good impression.

3.小孩玩耍:孩子们喜欢穿上他们最喜欢的衣服,打扮成自己喜欢的角色或超级英雄等。这时也可以用"dress up"。The children are dressing up as pirates for Halloween.She likes to play dress-up with her dolls.

总之,"dress up"是一个非常通用的短语,可以用于各种场合,表达穿戴精美衣服的意思。

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