
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02


这本书和从前人所作有关海外情况的书有什么不同?答:他们都是以中国人的观点谈论西方,这本书则是以西方人的观点谈论西方。这本书为何而作?答:为了借助西方人打击西方人而作,为了借助西方人和西方人讲和而作,为了学习西方人优良技术以制服西方人而作。  《易经》中说:“爱和憎互相冲突,就产生了吉凶;长远的利益和眼前的利益有矛盾,就产生悔吝;真诚和虚伪互相激荡,就产生利害冲突。”因此,同样是抵抗敌人,知道敌人的情况和不知道敌人的情况,利害会相差一百倍;同样是与敌人讲和,而知道敌人的情况与不知道敌人的情况,利害也相差一百倍。古时候驾驭外国的人,向他询问敌人的形势,就好像是自己家中的茶几、席子一样熟悉;向他询问敌人的情况,就好像平常吃饭、睡觉一样的熟悉。


Globalization is the movement of various elements of the contemporary world, integration and constitute a global system of country
Process. Foundation of globalization that the world economic integration, economic integration is the economic globalization
An important feature, different globalization itself. This trend of economic integration, both
As between regions or countries to strengthen economic ties, and even from the general change in economic cooperation for economic
System, laws and policies of convergence and so on, each other to become more closely linked economies, but also for
Worldwide economic activity rules and operational mechanisms of convergence, worldwide trade, finance,
International division of labor markets and the deepening of integration.
From a cultural perspective, globalization is the whole of human society, the Internet, and interdependence.
Holistic refers to the global community as a whole as the same exists; the Internet refers to all countries and
Nation in the information, communication, interests of the general relevance; interdependence means that international cooperation and the Association
Transfer has become a national development of any country and the foundation and premise.
But globalization does not mean that the global convergence. Globalization is a world of universal relevance
, Global convergence means that the universal consistency. Globalization does not mean that global integration. 1
Body refers to the qualitative unity, the unity of the system, and globalization is the pursuit of uniformity, but it does not
Will inevitably lead to global unity in a system.

(C) cultural values conflict
In the process of economic globalization, scientific and technological development and capital flows for global text
Of the broad and rapid dissemination of the vector, tools and channels, to promote among peoples
Cultural exchange and learning. In fact, in some way of life, cultural values have been increasing
They are commonly accepted at the same time, some cultural differences and even opposing nation is not only not been
Eliminated, but more pronounced than in the past or highlight. Cultural attitudes about the conflict in the main performance
Know the form values or political conflict. Reflects the ideology of Western capitalism
Country's economic interests and political interests of the. Western countries trying to price their own political
Value concepts imposed on developing countries and the issue of human rights double standards, was
Vast number of developing countries the people's opposition. Some Western developed capitalist countries in the developing
Country not only engage in economic and political expansion and aggression, but also for cultural expansion and cultural invasion
Slightly, to strengthen rather than weaken the sense of the awakening of the national culture. Cultural development with special
Is the law, with certain ethnic groups are closely linked to tradition. The more national character special
Point of culture, often more cultural value and vitality, and thus more able to move toward the world.
The elimination of national barriers, not only will not weaken the national character of culture, but will significantly enhance the whole
Human culture "differences" so that mankind's ideological and cultural and spiritual life more colorful.



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  • 有知道的大神帮忙翻译一下,拜托了!
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  • 帮忙翻译一下..拜托了...