
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29


Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just the places where you used to have a *** ile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. Happy holidays, health and happiness!


Mother, I thank you for giving me life. It is you who taught me how to be a man. No matter what the future may be, I will always love you.


Beginning as a mother is the greatest happiness. Lovely baby, waiting for feeding. Bright *** iling face, warm look forward to. Flexible hearts turn around and take good care of them. Mother's Day is ing, and there are countless joys. I wish my new mother the happiness of being a mother.


Mother's Day, children's love, carnation, fetting sorrow grass! I wish my dear mother with a lifetime of gratitude: life is getting healthier and happier! Mentality is getting younger and more beautiful! The days are more and more warm and happy! Happy Mother's Day!


The world is very big, but I can not get out of your concern; the world is very wide, but I can not put aside the family neork you weave; the sea is deep, but not as gracious as your nurturing. Mom, with a thousand words in hand, I wish you a happy holiday and I love you!


No one in the world loves me more than you; no one in the world can take your place in my heart. Mom, wherever I am, I will always love you.


Mother, the kindest name in the world, calls her name every day. She loves her everyday, but she has never loved her. Do you want to love her on this special day?


I will convey Mother's Day greetings to you. I hope you will forward more after you receive them. Let this sincere wish never cease and spread motherly love throughout the world. Together, I wish our mothers health and longevity forever.


When you want to squeeze a red leaf, she gives you a maple forest; when you want to kiss a snowflake, she gives you the whole winter. She is our mother. She said to all the mothers in the world, "Mom, you have worked hard!"


A b can't b mother's sorrow. You always hang your children in your heart, raise them and do it for your grandchildren. When you are busy inside, you have to be busy outside. Today is Mother's Day, Mom, you should have a good rest!


You often give me an understanding of the gaze, you often say that happiness is a gift of children. So today, I send you a *** ile to warm your heart.


As a daughter, you are the pride of the mother; as a mother, you are the pride of the daughter; as a wife, you are the pride of the hu *** and; as a friend, you are my pride! I wish my mother happy!


You poured all your energies into me. As time goes by, the years are ruthlessly destroying your body and mind. These sons can only say here: You have worked hard!


She is not a cloud, because she will not disperse with the wind; she is not a spray, because she will not drift with the waves. She is love - mother's love, wish all mothers happiness!


The thoughts in our hearts turn into bright stars in the night sky, shining with infinite gratitude and admiration for you. On such a day, may we pray together. Happy Mother's Day, Mother's Day, good health and safe life.


It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest, most sincere and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them.


Mother, you are concerned about me every year, looking forward to the moon, yearning day by day, worrying all the time, thinking about seconds. On this special day, I would like to gather my life's blessings to thank you!


Mother's love is selfless and acpanies me all my life; love is boundless and gives me warmth; kindness is boundless and gives me strength; meaning is boundless and is with me!


Mom, your daughter grew up and I understand, you can rest assured! You have to take care of yourself even more without me!


Mom: For my sake, your black hair is turning white. Today is your holiday, Mom, thank you! You've been working hard! I will try my best to repay you my dearest mother!


My dear mother, years have burned your youth, but your care and encouragement will acpany me through life. Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, and darken the white hair on your head with my emotion. Happy Mother's Day to you!


Happy things talk to her, proud things shine to her, successful things report to her, trivial things talk to her, Mother's Day, don't fet to embrace her.


The growth of children increases mother's white hair; the willfulness of children depicts mother's frown; when children travel thousands of miles, it takes away mother's concern. Mother's Day is ing. I wish my mother a long and healthy life.


In your opinion, we will never grow up to be children, worrying about everything. Here I want to say to my dear mother, I wish you good health, eternal youth, happy every day!


Silk and silver hair witness your hard work for your children, wrinkles witness your worries for your children, and no longer *** ooth hands witness your hard work. Mother's Day is ing, I just want to say to you: Mom, you worked hard, I love you!


Mom: Thank you for making our family eat abundantly, dress decently and enjoy themselves. Let me say to you on behalf of my family: Happy Mother's Day!


Today is Mother's Day, I send you a coat: happy collar, happy sleeves, healthy buttons, safe pockets, and then with my true feelings carefully sewn, I hope it will acpany you through every minute, happy Mother's Day!


Care-loving mothers have always been worrying about our father and son, and sometimes we don't appreciate it very much. Now think about it, it's true: Wife is great, let's die. Wife, *** , child, *** ing long live.


Mountain, no mother's love; sea, no mother's love; day, no mother's love vast; earth, no mother's love tolerance; sun, no mother's love warmth; let's wish mother health and happiness!


Silver hair on the sideburns is stained with concern for children; wrinkles on the forehead are engraved with love for children; cocoons in the palms are adhering to the expectation of their happiness. Mother's Day is ing. May Mother be happy and healthy!


Dear Mom: You used to hold up a blue sky for me with your firm arms, and now I will use my increasingly plump wings to shield you from the storm. Mom, I love you forever! Wish you health and happiness!


Today is Mother's Day, with my filial piety to *** ooth the wrinkles on your forehead, with my pany to dye the silver hair on your head, with my words to dispel the loneliness in your heart. May you have a happy holiday and a healthy and happy life.

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