
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28
【 #英语资源# 导语】神舟十三号载人飞船发射取得圆满成功。神舟向着星辰大海奔赴而来,振奋每一位中华儿女的心,更激荡起人们向航天赤子学习,奋进新征程、谱写新篇章的力量。下面是 考 网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Since ancient times, people have been full of reverie about the vast universe. With the development of science and technology, human beings gradually move towards space. But the voice of doubt gradually came: is exploring outer space a waste of people and money?

  Today, due to the limited resources of the earth, the world's aerospace powers have stepped into outer space. The space is vast and has rich space resources, such as high vacuum, solar energy, moon, micro planets and so on.

  In addition, closely related to people's life, GPS navigation system is inseparable from the development of aviation. In recent years, space technology has made remarkable achievements in developing spacecraft high-position and high-speed resources to obtain, transmit and forward information, and has obtained great benefits, such as the wide application of communication satellites and remote sensing satellites.

  On the other hand, with the rapid development of military spacecraft, various new space weapons such as military satellites, manned spacecraft, ballistic missiles and anti ballistic missiles have formed an integrated space battlefield military system and will play an important role in joint campaigns. As we all know, without a solid national defense, it is difficult to guarantee our happy life.

  Without today's investment, there will be no tomorrow. The progress of aerospace industry will drive the development of relevant industries. The application of Aerospace Science and technology will have a significant impact on mankind. Only with the continuous progress of society and the continuous development of science and technology, our life will be more and more beautiful.


  The Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was launched on October 16. The flight crew is composed of Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu. Only one month has passed since Shenzhou 12 returned to earth on September 17 and Shenzhou 13 was launched. According to the plan, after Shenzhou 13 spacecraft enters orbit, it will adopt the independent rapid rendezvous and docking mode to dock with the radial port of Tianhe core module and form a combination with Tianhe core module, Tianzhou 2 and Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft. The astronauts will be stationed in the core module and work and live for up to 6 months according to the synchronous work and rest system of heaven and earth. This means that compared with Shenzhou 12, the space challenge will take longer, more difficult and more demanding. Astronauts will stay in space with us to welcome the arrival of renyin year of the lunar calendar.

  You can go up to nine days to catch the moon, go down to five oceans to catch turtles, talk, laugh and sing. Mankind's longing for and exploration of space has never stopped. However, in space, the vast sky seems magnificent and vast, but it actually challenges the astronauts' psychological and physiological limits, and has experienced many soul stirring moments. According to astronaut Yang Liwei, during the "Shenzhou V" mission, the rocket unexpectedly had a low-frequency vibration of about 8 Hz in the ascending stage, which resonated with the human internal organs for up to 26 seconds. At this time, Yang Liwei felt that the internal organs seemed to be broken, which made him extremely painful, but he clenched his teeth and warned himself to "stick to it, stick to it again". In fact, this long 26 second resonance is only a small epitome of the thousands of difficulties and hardships on the journey of China's manned spaceflight "first flight", but it has drawn the "patriotic group image" of Chinese astronauts who are brave and fearless and sacrifice their lives for their country.

  In the three months since Shenzhou 12 left the earth, the three bright Chinese astronauts in the eyes of outsiders came from ordinary and simple families. When they are far away from the earth, travel around the world and work hard, the villagers who stay in their hometown are working hard year after year as always. The dedication and responsibility of Chinese astronauts began with blood, faith and patriotism. They engraved their mission and burden on their hearts and shoulders, and attributed their honor and halo to the motherland and the nation.

  "Persistent because of love and persistent because of dreams", this is the words of Wang Yaping, an astronaut on the Shenzhou 13 flight mission. Every underwater training for the space station mission is equivalent to running a "whole horse". They are so tired that their hands shake that they can't hold chopsticks stably, but they are tired and happy. Each centrifuge training has to bear an overload of up to 8 g. the face will deform and the chest will have difficulty breathing due to pressure. However, no one has pressed the "pause button" since the establishment of the astronaut brigade for more than 20 years. This kind of body can be "overloaded", and faith and spirit will always be "light", which interprets a kind of faith and a kind of will. The spirit of revolutionary optimism and the spirit of revolutionary heroism have penetrated through time and space and paper back in today's Chinese astronauts, glowing with a powerful force that is shocking and soul-stirring.


  Shenzhou set out to deliver the power of hard work. The star sea will not come to us by itself, nor will it take the initiative to face us. It will become wider and wider. We must open up and expand ourselves. As General Secretary Xi said, the manned spaceflight spirit of "being especially able to bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems and contribute" cultivated and carried forward by the majority of aerospace workers is the continuation and development of the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite". Every step towards the sea of stars has the solid footprints of Chinese astronauts. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenaries" and starting a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, the journey is long. Only struggle also calls on us to work hard and move forward towards the stars and the sea.

  The Shenzhou expedition radiates the power of development and innovation. "Exploring the vast universe, developing the aerospace industry and building a strong Aerospace country are our unremitting pursuit of aerospace dreams." the road of pursuing dreams is by no means flat. It is generations of Chinese aerospace people who have unswervingly explored and innovated, constantly solved the "neck" problem and dared to move towards the "no man's land" of science and technology, which has promoted the continuous progress of China's Aerospace Science and technology, with miracles one after another. In view of this, we should clearly realize that to realize our dreams, we must always be filled with the courage of innovation and indomitable progress, and the spirit of creativity and innovation. Only by daring to break, stand, break and try, can we cross the "Snow Mountain" and "Grassland" on the road ahead and conquer the "Loushanguan" and "Lazikou" on the way forward.

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