
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

Sandy is tall and thin.
My friends and I like playing basketball after school.
This girl is the owner of the electric dog.
Can you look after my flowers, please?
Daniel is from Nanjing, but now he lives in Shanghai with his family.
My sister and I are the members of the reading interest group.
Millie has a pair of deep(dark) brown eyes.

非常感叹知道使用者的热情,在我开始回答之时,有五个回复了,可是唯有 wjzhidao对but的理解靠谱。我真的好希望大家都能写出漂亮的英文啊!
一个拼写错误 insteaded for 应该是intended for 意思是为……准备的。
although引导的让步状语从句,大家理解起来没问题。后面主句里不能有but。主句是none of my classmates had one。后面还有一个有主谓宾的句子I found it extremerly difficult to use at first. 这个句子由but衔接,其实和and衔接的句子一样都是并列句。but是对主句none of my classmates had one的意义转折,抑或对比,并不和让步状语从句的although有任何联系。

汉译英:guess Dress up as a ghost admire the full moon Have a big meal英译汉: 我的全部家人   圣诞节   美猴王  圣诞节前夕  中国的新年  中秋节   你最喜欢的节日是什么


  • 英语高手进来帮忙翻译几个句子吧 十万火急!!!
    答:1.但是一些人游泳仍不小心 2. 他们认为他们会游泳,因此在水中什么都不可能发生在他们身上。3.他们死了是因为他们没有小心,不是因为不会游泳
  • 英语学霸们赶紧来翻译句子吧!十万火急啊!!
    答:Sandy is tall and thin.My friends and I like playing basketball after school.This girl is the owner of the electric dog.Can you look after my flowers, please?Daniel is from Nanjing, but now he lives in Shanghai with his family.My sister and I are the members of the rea...
  • 英语学霸求翻译一下下面的句子。真的是十万火急中的急,求求好心人帮...
  • 英语学霸看起来翻译句子吧!十万火急呀!
    答:汉译英:guess Dress up as a ghost admire the full moon Have a big meal英译汉: 我的全部家人 圣诞节 美猴王圣诞节前夕中国的新年中秋节 你最喜欢的节日是什么
  • 翻译一个简单的英语句子——十万火急的
    答:too proud to say it loud,我只是太骄傲了,没有把爱说出口 now i know,to let my feelings go so tell me,what can i do to make it up to you, promises don'tcome easy!!!现在我懂了,要跟着感觉走,所以,请告诉我,我要做什么,才能让你明了,作出承诺不是件很容易的事。
  • 帮忙翻译几个句子,十万火急!!!
    答:1.你在干什么?我在看电视,我天天晚上看电视.What are you doing?I am watching TV.I watch TV every night.2.南希在干什么?她在写作业,她每天上午不做作业.What is Nacy doing?She is doing homework.She doesn't do homework every morning.3.史帝夫在干什么?他在吃午饭,周末他在家里吃午饭...
  • 英语学霸翻译一下下面的句子,十万火急中的极限内就紧急需要的。_百度...
    答:for us ; calmness cheer you up hot ; represents influence our mood
  • 翻译英语句子,十万火急啊!!!
    答:although引导的让步状语从句,大家理解起来没问题。后面主句里不能有but。主句是none of my classmates had one。后面还有一个有主谓宾的句子I found it extremerly difficult to use at first. 这个句子由but衔接,其实和and衔接的句子一样都是并列句。but是对主句none of my classmates had one的意义...
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    答:She used to wear glasses, but now she wears contact lenses.2. 我去过两次长城了.I've been to the Great Wall twice.3,. 那辆白色的小汽车想必是他们经理的.( belong to )That small white car must belong to their manager.4. 他们刚才耗尽了力气.( run out of)They just ran out ...
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