
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01


对不起啊When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film production and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the industry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid educational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen.

1925年,聂天洪,孙静宇,公今寿,杨的,孙静宇五兄弟急切赶去武汉投奔革命,与此同时,公今寿、杨林和女友赵天心及宿舍好友司徒小云都接受了共产主义,只有孙静宇不露声色。聂天洪等人通过苏剑奇和余开林两位老师以及张公仪都将担任军校的教师,顿感内心踏实,准备报考中央军事学校。  革命高潮到来,杨的女友赵天心参加了北伐宣传队。聂、公、司徒、孙、韩东水一起考入中央军事学校。张公仪虽已在国民政府任职,但与武汉政府中的国民党隐性右派联系密切。摆出“联俄联共”的左派姿态,但却对共产党持有敌意。在他的精心栽培下,孙静宇迅速地成为了军校中的学生骨干。而后军校在长沙成立了分校。聂天洪跟随苏剑奇及学校的一些骨干分子一同去了长沙分校,公今寿也随了去。国民政府担心长沙分校被共产党赤化,于是派由余开林带队,何彪一帮人到长沙去,并吩咐孙静宇密切注意苏剑奇和余开林的动向,一切听从何彪的指挥。就这样,苏剑奇、余开林、公今寿、聂天洪、孙静宇、韩东水、何彪及其手下以及另外一些军校的学生便踏上了去长沙的征程。由于不要女的,所以司徒小云不得不留在了武汉。不久, “四一二”反革命政变后,开始大肆搜刮军校内的共产党。“马日事变”爆发,反动分子更是大肆搜捕共产党员。张公仪更指使孙建宇杀害苏剑奇。革命路上,司徒小云碰到了聂天洪、孙静宇和公今寿。沿路又看到了杨的和赵天心得知北伐宣传队也被解散了。又听说攻打长沙的十万农民军被许克祥的部队一举击溃。在一次孙静宇偶遇张公仪后,下定决心为他充当奸细。后来,聂等人又重新回到了学校。军校学生的行动赢得了武汉市民的喝彩,同时也激怒了第四集团军的何健等反共军官,他们联合在军校内任职的张公仪等隐性右派,商量如何将这支被共产党控制的学生队伍一举铲除。

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