
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

Bipeng Gou, known as "Little Switzerland of Sichuan," transforms into a magical wonderland during the fall and winter months.</ When the colorful autumn foliage</ meets the breathtaking snowy landscapes</, it's a destination that simply can't be missed. As the season draws near, we've curated a two-day tour itinerary</ for you, packed with everything you need to know for your enchanting journey in the heart of Sichuan.

How to Get There:</

  • Self-Drive or Group Tour:</ Embark from Chengdu, passing through Dujiangyan, Wenchuan, and Litang (Tao坪羌寨), tracing the scenic route to Bipeng Gou.

  • Public Transportation:</ Direct from Chengdu's Xinanmen Station, you can reach the Bipeng Gou scenic area. Alternatively, take a bus from Chengdu's Chadezi Coach Station, then transfer to a minibus for the final leg.

What to Explore:</

Scenic Routes and Activities

  1. Visitor Route:</ Start at the entrance, then visit Dragon King Lake,原始森林 (Primitive Forest), Hongshi坪, Shanghaizi Service Area, Zhuoma Tan, White Dragon Falls, Panchuan Lake, Hongshan Lake, and Yanyanyan Cave.

  2. Exploration Options:</ Purchase a ticket and take the shuttle bus to Shanghaizi, where the core attractions await. From there, choose between an electric shuttle or a leisurely walk to soak in the beauty.

  3. Must-See Attractions:</ Don't miss Dragon King Lake,原始森林, Hongshi坪, Zhuoma Tan, White Dragon Falls, Panchuan Lake, and Yanyanyan Cave.

Two-Day Tour Itinerary:</

Popular Route

Day 1: Chengdu - Tao坪羌寨 -甘堡藏寨 - Litang
Day 2: Litang - Bipeng Gou - Chengdu

Detailed Itinerary:

  • Day 1:</ Departing early from Chengdu, drive along the Minjiang River, visiting sites like Dujiangyan and the紫坪埔 Hydroelectric Project. Indulge in a hearty lunch of beef soup at Tao坪羌寨, then head to甘堡藏寨 (1-hour exploration). Savor藏式晚餐,推荐藏式土火锅, and end the day at Litang.

  • Day 2:</ Begin your day with breakfast, then immerse yourself in the stunning Bipeng Gou. Board the shuttle to Shanghaizi and explore the ancient wilderness. Return to the entrance, and head back to Chengdu via bus.

That's a comprehensive two-day Bipeng Gou adventure</ just waiting for you. If you're eager for more travel tips on Sichuan</ and pricing inquiries</, feel free to leave a comment. Happy exploring!

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