
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
1,surf --I like surfing.They live to surf and nothing can stop them.I'm glad the jobs leave my afternoon for surfing.
2.internet --Who can tell me how to make a pen pal on internet?Internet shopping offers a lot of benefits for the shopperit is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,especially books.Internet shopping is sure to bee more and more popular.
3.progrom(应该为program吧)--I've been on a training program recently. group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue,judge a contest,or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
4.result --The accident resulted in three people being killed.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.The result of the game was five-nil / five-nothing.The accident resulted in his death.
5.better-I'll be better tomorrow.The more,the better.I like classical music better than pop music.
6.differentce(拼写错误,应为difference)--There are some differences between you and me.Flowers make no difference to this room. She makes no difference between her two sons.It makes no difference (to me) what you say:I'm not going.
7.yuck--Yuck!there's a cockroach crawl along the wall!有一只蟑螂在墙上爬着!
8.athough(拼写错误,应为although)Although I told the kids not to go near the lake,they went over there anyway.Although she looks fine,she still cries out when nobody is around.I did not open my umbrella although it was raining.I still go to school although I caught a cold yesterday night.I am still hungry although I ate three buns this morning.
好累啊,希望对你能有所帮助!,2,1.I'm having rest on a beach, I hear the surf.
4.I eat a lot of ice-cream, result I have a stomechache.
5.You the better e here and sit here.
7.You're very yuck!
8.The plane has a athough.,1,这个容易:
i can not make sentences with XX.
can you make sentences with XX?
to make sentences with XX is so difficult.
i don't know what the word XX means
what is the chinese for the word XX?,0,英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),
1,surf 2,internet 3,progrom 4,result 5,better 6,differentce 7,yuck 8,athough

  • 英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),?
    答:i don't know what the word XX means what is the chinese for the word XX?,0,英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),1,surf 2,internet 3,progrom 4,result 5,better 6,differentce 7,yuck 8,athough
  • 用英语单词造句
    答:1、crowd in 蜂拥而来 Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes.无论她在哪里总是被成群的男人包围。2、by chance 偶然;意外地 I met Tom by chance yesterday.昨天我偶然遇见汤姆。3、come across 无意中发现 He come across this in a curio shop.他在一个古玩店里偶尔发现了这个。4、inten...
  • 用英语单词造句
    答:1. Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力 It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man.无论如何,这决非一个人力所能及。2. Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 He had remarkable ability as an administrator.他的行效管理能力很强。3. Skill 强调由经验而获...
  • 用英语单词造句
    答:1 He had powerful enemies who engineered his ruin. (动词)有几个势力强大的敌人在密谋令他下台。2 I wish I can fly. 要是我会飞就好了。3 we walked the length of the street. 我们走完了这整条街。4 his height makes him stand out in a crowd. 他高大的身材令他在人群中很突出...
  • 英语单词造句
    答:1、think of 想起, 记起; 想念 Will you think of me after I've left?我离开之后, 你还会记得我吗?You're very quiet; what are you thinking of?你很沉默, 在想什么呢?2、come out 出来,出现;开花;出版 Some flowers have begun to come out.有些花现在已经开始开花了。How did ...
  • 英语单词造句
  • 用英文单词造句
    答:1.capacity The movie hall has a seating capacity of 200.这个电影厅可容纳200名观众。The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars.这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。2.ability He is a man of great ability.他是位能力很强的人。She did the work to the best of...
  • 用英文单词造句
    答:1.nasty weather The picnic was spoiled by the nasty weather.野餐被恶劣的天气所破坏。2、extremely This task is extremely difficult.这项任务极其困难。3、necessary Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?我真的必须参加这个会议吗?4、bear I can't bear having a cat in the ...
  • 英语单词造句
    答:1 paragraph Look at the first paragraph,and find the answers.看第一段找出答案。2 correct she gave a correct answer about it.她给出了正确答案。3 order he ordered the pictures.他给图片排序了。4 strength I did it on the strength of his promise 5 in the end in the end ,he ...
  • 积累5个英语单词并造句子
    答:1 beautiful 造句:she is a beautiful girl.2 weekend 造句,i will stay at home this weekend 3 likely 造句,he is likely to go.4 sunny 造句,it is sunny today 5 carry 造句,can you carry the box?