
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
How many modes of transportation are there in this conversation?

无法回答这个问题,因为并没有给出对话内容。一般来说,在对话中提及到的交通方式可能包括步行、骑自行车、坐公交车、开私家车、乘坐火车、乘坐飞机等等。每一种交通方式都有其相应的英文表述。例如:walking, cycling, taking a bus, driving a car, taking a train, taking a plane 等等。根据对话内容更具体地解释每种交通方式的英文表述才更加准确。

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    答:How many modes of transportation are there in this conversation?
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