
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

all the time
一直straight; straight forward
不断地end-to-end; steadily; together

go on forever

坚持不懈adhere to sth. unremittingly; hold on consistently and persistently; unremitting:
作坚持不懈的努力 make unremitting efforts
只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。 Persevere and you'll succeed.
广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。 The broad working masses were undaunted, and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists.

坚持 坚持[简明汉英词典] insist on stick to

Insist on.



  • 坚持不断的英文怎么说
    答:坚持不懈adhere to sth. unremittingly; hold on consistently and persistently; unremitting:作坚持不懈的努力 make unremitting efforts 只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。 Persevere and you'll succeed.广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。 The broad working masses we...
  • 不断的坚持,不断的谦虚,不断的努力。英文是什么?
    答:continuous persistence, continuous modesty, continuous effort!
  • 坚持不懈的的英文
    答:坚持不懈的英文是:persistence persistence 读法 英 [pəˈsɪstəns] 美 [pərˈsɪstəns]短语:persistence of vision 视觉暂留;视觉残留;持续视觉 示例:Skill comes only with practice, patience, and persistence.只有通过练习、耐心和坚持不懈...
  • “坚持不懈”的英文是什么?
    答:“坚持不懈”的英文:unremitting unremitting 读法 英 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ]adj.不懈的;坚持不懈;始终不懈 一、短语:Diligently Unremitting 起劲松懈 unremitting construction 连续施工 Unremi...
  • “坚持不懈”的英文是?
    答:perseverance 读音:英 [ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪərəns] 美 [ˌpɜ:rsəˈvɪrəns]n.毅力 ;韧性;不屈不挠的精神 记忆技巧:persevere 坚持 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 坚持不懈 例句:1、Little companies are known for...
  • 坚持不懈的英文是什么
    答:persistently 英 [pə'sɪstəntli]     美 [pə'sɪstəntli]adv. 固执地,坚持地 例句:By persistently remaining single, a man converts himself into a permanent public temptation.坚持独身,就会使一个男人把自己化为,永远吸引大众的人物。近义词;obs...
  • 坚持不懈用英语怎么说
    答:unremitting 美[ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ] 。坚持不懈意思是形容做事持之以恒,比喻有恒心,有毅力。出自《清史稿·刘体重传》。成语辨析 【近义词】锲而不舍、坚持不渝、持之以恒、水滴石穿、坚贞不屈、动心忍性、始终不渝、坚韧不拔、坚忍不拔、百折不挠、...
  • “坚持不懈”用英语怎么说?
    答:“坚持不懈”的英文翻译有以下几种:1、unremitting 英 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ]adj.不懈的;坚持不懈;始终不懈 He watched her with unremitting attention.他一直全神贯注地注视着她。2、...
  • 坚持用英语怎么说?
    答:坚持的英语:persist。persist,英 [pə'sɪst],美 [pər'sɪst]v. 坚持;执意;继续;持续 名词: persister 过去式: persisted 过去分词: persisted 现在分词: persisting 第三人称单数: persists 例句:I hope you'll persist in your efforts.我希望你们再接再厉。近义...
  • 坚持不懈的英语翻译 坚持不懈用英语怎么说
    答:坚持不懈 [词典] unremitting; adhere to sth. unremittingly; hold on consistently and persistently;[例句]只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。Persevere and you'll succeed.