
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-21

Wang Ying
Dear Mr Green
take a leave

8、学会套用,即变通的能力,以不变应万变 .

作文:Songkran originated from India, who is India's Brahmanism a religious ceremony, followed by absorption of Buddhism, Myanmar imported by Yunnan region, about 14 in the 13 century to the beginning of the century, dating back 700 years of history . Theravada Buddhism with Buddhism in Dai increasing regional influence, the study Songkran also increasingly broad valley. Dai Li for the Songkran New Year celebrations, usually in the solar calendar April 13 to April 15 between. Buddha when people go to Buddhist temples, and then splashing each other with a splash of water to express my sincere best wishes. Laughter everywhere, filled with festive atmosphere. Songkran another high-profile activities are dragon boat, jumped as encouraged by the feet and Pavaner. Dai then on the third day of the New Year, Dai called "Mai Paya late Marilyn", the festive mood of a peak. Dressed in festive costumes of the people gathered in the Lancang River, the Ruili River to watch dragon boat races. Songkran activities of the rich, the other also put rising, fighting cocks, Pavaner jump, and so on, people dressed in costumes, jubilation, and the scene was very warm. 翻译: 泼水节源于印度,曾经是印度婆罗门教的一种宗教仪式,其后为佛教所吸收,经缅甸传入云南傣族地区,时间约在十三世纪末至十四世纪初,距今有700年历史。随着南传上座部佛教在傣族地区影响的增大,泼水节的习谷也日益广泛。泼水节为傣历新年的庆祝活动,一般在阳历4月13日至4月15日之间。届时人们先至佛寺浴佛,然后互相泼水,用飞溅的水花表示真诚的祝福。到处欢声笑语,充满了节日气氛。   泼水节另一项引人注目的活动是划龙舟,跳象脚鼓舞和孔雀舞。那时傣族新年的第三天,傣语称之为“麦帕雅晚玛”,节日的气氛达到了高潮。穿着节日盛装的群众欢聚在澜沧江畔、瑞丽江边,观看龙舟竞渡。 泼水节的活动内容丰富,其它的还有放高升、斗鸡、跳孔雀舞等,人们身着盛装,喜气洋洋,场面极为热烈。

according to the King’s Regulations,’ as C


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