
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-16

"Franchise contract" refers to two business units of the legal relationship between. A franchisor (party b) in (party a) from franchisees buy a complete license, and agree to implement its principles. The former and the latter is the business activities, but the former respectively of the latter can accept all products or part of a product. Usually, the former to the latter concession contract requirement pay franchise profits according to its business, while the percentage of total sales of certain from which received its wages. The latter will often provide training, management equipment, design of the device and national sales service. Franchise contracts as a management tool, has been used by many industries, such as small computer industry, tourism and car tourism and fast food services. McDonald's is the application of this a management means to encourage technical popularization. Franchise organizations, including McDonald's company, which are not encourage franchise dealers innovations. Instead, the new technology products and process design development are at the company's headquarters. There are always test and inspection catering service, to assess the operating condition of the need to change. Usually, the idea of new equipment by the company's engineering personnel research, then by holding out new product manufacturing license of small manufacturers for the production. McDonald's company, by way of franchising, the most remarkable features are: it has a highly automated catering service system, and has high quality standards. Equipment and food almost entirely by the headquarters of the franchisor provides complete device, according to the uniform design is build, and the style are conducive to the highly automated service. Full operating equipment almost no let person test or to adopt new technology of leeway. Although some of the McDonald's franchise agents have been trying to add some new in recipes pattern, but company idea to encourage the company highest levels change research. McDonald's franchise that success in the technical innovation, the key is to let local businessman management franchise. By designated company members of franchising activities, such management talents and quickly developed. And franchising activities throughout the success, the franchisor more welcome company headquarters for the new technology or the new management methods. 百分之百正确哦。


Chinese educational system is different from rest of the world, it focuses on ... Instead of...(中国教育系统有别于世界其他地方,它更多的专注于…而不是…)
As an unevenly developed dele oping country, many people don't have the life they expect to have. Thus, seeking a change in fate through education became one of the most widely welcomed ideas. (作为一个发展不均衡的发展中国家,许多人的生活水平并不理想。因此,通过教育来改变命运成为了最主流的观念之一。)
Most people see education as a way to get rid of poverty. (许多人将教育视为摆脱贫困的有效方法。)
Being impacted by the historical system of officer selection that worked for centuries and centuries on this land, the system itself is commonly accepted by adults. It is not of completely no good, as it ensures a higher knowledge level than western education. But the process of studying is more like a competition that drives one to be prosaic, lack of imagination and therefore creativity disappeares from such a student. (受到在这片土地上运行了数百年的官员选拔制度的影响,这种教育方式本身已经被成年人普遍的接纳。它并是完全没有优点的,它保证了比西方国家更为高级的专业水平。然而学习的过程却变的更像一种使学生变得呆板、丧失想像力和创新能力的恶性竞争。


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