
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05



  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today,It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you. My topic is Intonation , taken from Unit 4 Section A BookⅡ. My speech is made up of five parts.

  Part Ⅰ: At first, let me analyze the teaching Material and the Ss:

  1. This is an important phonetics lesson in this book. In this lesson, the Ss should master rising tone and falling tone. It is related tightly to their daily life. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful for them to master the authentic English.

  2. Generally speaking, students feel it boring to learn English Phonetics. So when designing the lesson, I should try to set some interesting language situations and hold some competition to encourage them to speak English loudly in the class.

  Part Ⅱ: After the above analysis, I set the following teaching aims:

  1. Knowledge Aim is to let students consolidate words about sports and master rising tone and falling tone.

  2. Ability Aim is to improve the Ss’ listening abilities, oral English and communicative competence.

  3. Emotional Aim is to encourage the Ss to love doing sports.

  4 .Teaching important point and difficult point is to make the sportmaster rules in sentence intonation and use them correctly in daily life.

  Part Ⅲ: The teaching methods and learning methods

  Considering the specialties of the vocational students and intonation, I will adopt “scene — activity” teaching method , Task-based Language Teaching method (任务教学法) and CAI (电脑辅助教学).

  Part Ⅳ: Teaching procedures

  At the beginning of the lesson, I divide the whole class into four groups. Everyone can get stars by answering questions correctly or finishing tasks quickly. The group which gets the most stars will get a secret prize at the end of class.

  Step 1 Lead-in ( 2 min) 微型课上课部分

  T: At first, I’ll let’s enjoy a video and then ask them a question: “What are they doing in the video?”.

  Ss: “skipping rope” (they use the falling tone).

  T: “skipping rope? Are you sure?” (I use the rising tone)

  T: Sometimes we can read the words in different way.

  The purpose of my design is as follows: In this way, students can know sth. about rising tone and falling tone. The video is about Ss their selves. So it can attract the Ss’ attention and arouse their interest to talk about their ideas. So I can lead in the next step naturally.

  Step 2 2 A: Listen and imitate ( 10 min) 微型课上课部分

  Task 1: Group competition 难度:easy for everybody to practice

  1. Listening those words, the students try to get the chance to read the four words in rising tone and falling tone. If she/he read quickly and correctly, she’ll get a star and his/her group will got a star too.


  running swimming football badminton running swimming football badminton

  2. Check the number of stars with the whole class and cheer for the

  winner group in the task.

  The purpose of my design is as follows: This task is easy for every student to learn the intonation. Group competition can consolidate the

  intonation. Evaluation in time is effective to encourage students to go on the following studying.

  Step 3 2 B: Listen and practice ( 12 min)

  Task 2: Analyze rules in sentence Intonation 难度:a little difficult

  1. Listen and imitate: Group competition

  After having learnt word intonation, I’ll let Ss go on to learn sentence

  intonation. Let the Ss listen to six sentences in 2B and imitate them. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation. 2. Think and speak: Pair works

  Let Ss think: “Can English sentences be read in different tone?” “Show some examples! Please!” (If it’s necessary, the teacher show an example by using the slide.)

  B: Beautiful? I

  There are some rules in sentence intonation. Let’s l analyze what rules there are?

  3. Pair works: Practice and competition

  Show the students some dialogues, and ask students act out these

  dialogues in pairs. If they act the dialogues well and correctly, they’ll get a star, and their group will get a star too.

  4. Check the number of stars with the whole class and cheer for the

  winner group in this task.

  The purpose of my design is as follows: It is much easier for the Ss to learn the intonation by using CAI. Because CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and pictures and it can make the relationships between the Ss better.

  Pair works can consolidate the intonation and cultivate the Ss’

  communicative competence.

  Step 4 2C: Listen and mark ( 8 min)

  Discuss and Mark: Pair works

  We have learnt so much about intonation. Now, let’s check how much we have mastered? Discuss in groups about the five small dialogues in 2C, and then try to mark the intonation. After listening to the five small dialogues in 2C, the Ss are asked to check the answers together. The teacher corrects the wrong and tells the Ss the reason why it is wrong?

  The purpose of my design is to arouse the Ss’ interest to express their ideas about intonation. Group works can help each other to consolidate intonation knowledge in this lesson.

  Step 5 Having fun: Chant (4 min)

  1. After the students have mastered five small dialogues about sports.

  Now, I will let the Ss enjoy some pictures about sports and ask students, “what are they doing?”

  2. Play the CD and ask the Students to imitate first. Then encourage them to chant together to the music.

  The purpose of my design is to make the Ss relax and enjoy the rhythm. At the same time, the activity helps them to consolidate some sports words and dialogues that they have learnt in this section.

  Step 6 Having fun: English saying (3 min) Individual work

  1. Tell the students that doing sports is good for them and try to remember the four famous English sayings about sports.

  2. Match the English sayings with Chinese meaning correctly.

  3. Practice these sayings as quickly as possible, as clearly as possible, as loudly as possible by imitate the pronunciation way of Li Yang Crazily Speak English.

  The purpose of my design is as follows: This activity can arouse Ss’ interest in learning and enrich their knowledge. It’s also a good chance to make Ss realize the importance of doing sports.

  Step 7 Self-evaluation and Homework (1 min)

  1. Self-evaluation:

  winner. Here is your gift!

  2. Homework:

  Recite the chant.

  Review the intonation that learnt in this lesson.

  Preview the next lesson

  The purpose of my design is as follows: It’s important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. The last summary can make the Ss keep the zeal for learning English all the time.

  Step 8: Blackboard design

  Intonation rising tone skipping ropeAre you sure? falling tone skipping rope Part Ⅴ: Teaching predictions

  In this lesson, I mainly adopt the Task-Based Learning Method, and “scene - activity” teaching method.

  1. Group competition and activities can arouse the Ss learning motivation and interest.

  2. It ’s difficult for students to use the rules in sentence intonation correctly in the daily life.


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