
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08

我帮你改一下吧。这道题应该用现在进行时来描述:Now it's 7:30 pm .Tong and his family are doing something . Look ,his father is reading a book . His mother is cleaning the the room . His grandfather is watching TV .Nancy is playing the piano and he is doing his homework . 注意人名开头的字母要大写。

楼主你好,如果我猜得不错的话,你应该是高一的一名优秀学生。我提供点意见,仅供参考。第一句写得很合适,第二句注意介词in和on的区别,这里要用on。第三句表达很完美。第四句的时间状语从句可以改为现在分词finding,tell最好改为talk。第五句like(总是用like,楼主查查字典换一个)前加上gradually表逐渐地,this改成the更好,定冠词表大家都知道的老师,as well as前加逗号,连词连接句子,we accept换we all have accepted,现在完成时表完成,method常加s,表示多种方法。希望能帮助楼主,手机答题简单了点,楼主莫嫌弃。


  Dear schoolmates,
  While we are sitting in our bright classroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly. Summer vocation is coming. Let’s do something to help them.
  As students, we are not making any money now, but we can give out our pocket money. The money may help them go to school again. They can also use the money to buy food and medicine that they need. Books and school things are also welcome by the children in disaster area. Books can help to heal their broken hearts. Of course, your care is also wonderful gift to them. Why not take up your pen and write to them? Be their friends and comfort their heart. Help them go through the hard time.
  Come on and you’ll find the happiness of giving and caring.
  Students’ Union

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