
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-31

What a pretty house it is!
She's so pretty.
She's got a pretty voice.

副词,修饰形容词 相当
pretty good


rarely :副词 很少地,难得;罕有地;珍奇地,绝佳地
比较级:more rarely最高级:most rarely
有时可以等于 seldom / hardly

这四个有一个即可确定它的位置 (两个以上同样可以)

1.He rarely goes to school early.
goes是实义动词 符合“4”
2.We can rarely see you at parties.
can是情态动词 see是实义动词 符合“3、4”

其他用法要结合意思使用了~前面已经说了它的意思 位置不弄错就可以了、

满意请采纳 谢谢 O(∩_∩)O~

adv. 1.完美地;理想地2.完全地;十足地3.非常清楚;完全明白
1 The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
2 a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter.厘米克秒单位之中的照度等于反射或反射一流明每平方厘米的完全漫反射的亮度。
3 You have to make sure that the unit is assembled perfectly because it has to get past the lynx - eyed scrutiny of the inspection department.你得保证这个部件已经完全装配好了,因为它必须通过检验部门敏锐眼光的仔细检查。
4 I am originally right this unit impression perfectly, let me feel they should be to be afraid that we ran now, let us have a trouble back at home.本来我对这单位印象相当不错,现在让我感觉他们应该是怕我们跑了,让我们有个后顾之忧。
5 it imagines that by the establishment of manufacturing industry these forces must be taken away from agriculture, and transferred to manufacture,whereas the latter to a great extent is a perfectly new and additional power, which, very far indeed from increasing at the expense of the agricultural interest, is often the means of helping that interest to attain a higher degree of prosperity and development.它以为工业发达以后,这些因素就会脱离农业而转向工业因而使农业受到影响,它不晓得工业在很大程度上是一个完全新生的、增出的力量,不但与以农业利益为牺牲的情况相差很远,而且往往对这种利益会起协助作用,是使它达到高度发展的一个有效手段。
6 She is of perfectly sound mind.她的心神非常清醒。
7 The storage preservation bags, which have been designed according to this equation, could preserve leek-balt perfectly as long as 90 days, containing of VC, and chlorophyll with edibility rate satisfactorily.利用回归方程及适宜气体组成设计的韭薹保鲜袋,贮藏韭薹达90d以上,VC、叶绿素及可食率均令人满意。
8 This size may fit you perfectly.这个尺码可能会非常适合您。
9 She made no pretence, she was perfectly natural.她一点不矫揉造作,而是非常自然。
10 Double sunscreen function, contain natural nourishing essence, perfectly protect skin from UV.双重的防御以及天然滋养成分,给肌肤最完全的紫外线防护。
11 With the development and widely application of the digital photogrammetry, a great count of 4D products (DEM, DOM, DLG, DRG) has been produced and corresponding database have been set up, and there has been a lot of aerial imageries with perfectly determined exterior orientation data.另一方面,在当今的数字摄影测量时代,4D产品(DEM、DOM、DLG、DRG)已成为摄影测量的最普通成果,广泛存在于国家基础地理信息数据库中,精确已知外方位元素的航空影像已经大量存在。
12 The display was stage-managed perfectly and went off without a single delay.演出安排得好极了,因此进行得没有半点停顿。
13 they were perfectly comfortable together without speech.他们在一起即使不谈话也很愉快。
14 The human ear has the ability to efficiently separate necessary speech signals from a plethora of other auditory signals, even if these signals have similar overall frequency characteristics, and are perfectly coincident in time.人的耳朵能从熙熙攘攘的声音中有效的捕捉到相对自己重要(感兴趣)的信息,即使是这些声音在频率上和时间上都配合得很“融洽”。
15 He achieved a perfectly clean entry, and there is almost no splash.他的入水非常漂亮,几乎没有溅起水花。
16 Approximately 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Belize City, the almost perfectly circular Blue Hole is more than 1,000 feet (305 meters) across and some 400 feet (123 meters) deep.蓝洞在伯利兹城外大约60英里(100公里)处,其形状为几乎完美的圆形,直径超过1,000英尺(305米),深达400英尺(123米)。
17 Bluetooth has hold every corner of society resorting overwhelming trend since Ericsson proposed the new technology—Bluetooth in 1994. Combining calculation and communication together perfectly, and resorting its trait—small volume, low consume, conveniently integrating in almost any digital equipment, it has been widely used in learning, working, and living of many people.自从爱立信在1994年提出“蓝牙”这项新技术以来,蓝牙就以势不可挡的趋势占据了社会的各个角落。 它将计算和通信很好地结合起来,以其体积小、功耗低、可以方便地集成到几乎任何数字设备中的特点,服务于人们的学习、工作和生活当中。
18 Status quo is perfectly fine.我完全不反对维持现状。
19 CONCLUSION: FBI is one and only non-traumatic and non-invasive advanced research mean of brain function until now, with higher temporal and spatial resolution, and the most excellent method of studying brain function is to combine function, imaging and anatomy perfectly.结论:脑功能成像技术是目前惟一无创伤、无侵入性并有较高时间和空间分辨率的高级脑功能研究手段,将功能、影像和解剖3个学科完美结合起来,是脑功能研究的最佳手段。
20 They have a host of matters to deal with, and nobody can boast of being able to handle everything perfectly.“班长”的事情很多,谁也不能说样样事情就处理得那么周到。


The system worked perfectly.
He can imitate his teacher perfectly.
The artist has caught her smile perfectly.
This wine complements the food perfectly.


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