
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
Nowadays, many teenagers are obsessed with celebrities, often to the point of obsession. However, I differ from them. I believe that盲ly pursuing stars is a misuse of time and energy. My admiration is directed towards the celestial stars, which ignites my desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe. My aspiration is to become an astronomer.
As a girl, I am aware that many of my peers adore movie stars and singers, losing themselves in their admiration. But I am drawn to genuine artists like Bach and Beethoven. Their music, I find, is a form of soul cleansing. It is timeless, never becoming outdated. Thus, I hold them and their music in high regard.
It is important to recognize that celebrities, despite their alluring public images, are ordinary individuals with jobs that differ from ours. We can enjoy their music and films as a form of relaxation after work or study. However, we should not blindly follow them. Instead, we should appreciate their hard work and dedication. For instance,刘德华, known for his diligence and perseverance, is someone from whom we can learn. Celebrities, too, hope that their fans will excel in their studies and professional lives.

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