各位英语高手们帮我看下我的一篇8级写作 谢谢各位 欢迎提出各种建议

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
急需一份英语演讲稿"What makes a good English teacher",限时三分钟,希望各位英语高手们帮忙一下,谢谢了

I was very lucky to have met many good teachers,among whom the most mpressive one is my English teacher.She is a woman of midiumheight.She is in her thirties,wearing glasses,and a little on the thin side.Her name is Nancy.
I regard Nancy as a good teacher for three main reasons.To start with,Nancy's dedication and enthusiasm to her work inspired me to get ahead and never stop trying.She spent a lot of her spare time talking with us,helping us with prombles in study and personal life.Second,the wonderfully creative lessons she delivered make English learning no longer a hard job but full of fun.I enjoy every minute of her lesson.And third,Nancy's warmly human character creates a bond of friendship that will last forever.Her great sense of humor and encouraging words made us close to each other like friends.

我体会你这种爱的感觉, 感觉很强, 很特别, 很新。您给我幸福礼物每天, 从未有I 已知它能是这样。你给了您的爱不管费用, 以我的心在你的关心, 我从未将丢失。或从未再奇迹什么爱真正地意味, 我暂时知道它意味许多事。了解和关心, 通过好时期和坏, 分享情感, 如果他们是愉快或哀伤的。是那里为彼此通过笑声或泪花, 在彼此的边为剩余我们的岁月。我唯一愿望将是以您, 我的爱, 对我祈祷对天堂上面的□天。您总记住我的感觉为您。感觉很强, 很特别, 很新!

Nowadays, when asked about the definition for a talented person in Modern Society, the opinions varies from person to person.
when ,,,你是不是想when后面省略主语谓语,主语和主句保持一致? 这个好像不太对吧,when后面的主语应该是人 人被问,而不是意见观点被问。 the opinions varies 主谓不一致,最好不用the
Lots of people think that only those who can earn a lot of money are talented people, while others hold that a talent person is the one who is able to contribute a lot to the society ,command a essential skill, have a strong spirit to return the society.
earn a lot of money 不错 但是有没有觉得稍显累赘?直接earn a lot 会更好 a talent person talent形式不对 talented essential前面应该是an a spirit?怪怪的。 回报回馈社会 地道的应该用feedback

Obviously, the latter one I agree on. 句子顺序???正常语序才对 想强调的话可以说 I do agree,,,

To make my ideas clearly, 你的idea只有一个 就是同意后者 那个观点 应该是idea 还有应该用clear

there are three specific arguments in the following. Firstly, it is essential to a talented person to command a specialization that is applied in society. With the society developing fast, many fields of work need all walks of talent people.

all walks ??????of talent people

Therefore, whatever skills a person can command is definitely needed in society.

The reason is simple because all of them can contribute their efforts to the society.
In other words, they not only help the society but also service the people. Next, as a talented
加上 do serve 去掉the
person, he or she should have a strong adaptability to the society that is changeable all the
去掉a changing changable是可变的 你要表达的意思是变化着的

time. Once a person enter the society, he or she will touch many fresh things such as new
colleagues, colleague 和people相似
different working environment and so on. different后面应该加复数吧
There is no doubt that it is important to them to learn how to integrate into such a new environment so that they can adapt to the society quickly and contribute to the society.
important后面加for比较好 而不是to

Last but not least, a talented person must have a strong spirit to return the society and service people. 前面说过了 稍显啰嗦。

Our nation spend much time and money in nurturing us, which offer us good conditions to
要么去掉 要么改成on offers which代表的是nation

study. In order to help us attain more useful knowledge, the educational revolution is always been done from time to time. 这句话考试的时候会扣你很多分的 应该是has always。。。

Therefore, as a member of this country, all of us should have a heated mind to return our nation. feedback
From what has been discussed above, the definition for a modern talented person is obvious . A talented person ought to command a useful skill, have a strong adaptability and spirit to return the society. 能力是不可数的 a 不对 前面也有这样的情况

呵呵 纯属个人意见 一块研究下 请见谅

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