
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Low-carbon becomes a high-frequency and fashionable word which gets the greatest concern in the world after the promulgation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol. Meanwhile, a series of related words, such as low-carbon economy, carbon footprint, low-carbon technology, low-carbon lifestyle, low-carbon society, low-carbon city and so on, comes with the tide of fashion. Low-carbon life and low-carbon economy is also one of the hot topics in National People's Congress (NPC) and National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in 2010.

What is low-carbon life ? First of all, we should understand low-carbon. Low-carbon refers to a minimal output of greenhouse gas emissions into the biosphere, specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. So, low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions. Low-carbon economy is an economy model based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission.

Why do we advocate and pursue low-carbon life ? Because of the development of the world industrial economy, the fast increase of population, the unlimited increase of the human desire and the unrestrained production and lifestyle, the human living environment, health and safety are becoming more and more worse, for example, the resources that people rely on to survive dwindle, water pollution becomes worse, the Earth's ozone layer suffers an unprecedented crisis, the glacier is thawing, the catastrophic global climate changes appear repeatedly. So, we can say, the high-consumption and high-pollution economy model and life style is becoming the killer of the earth and human beings.

Therefore, low-carbon life is needed by man's own health, harmony between human beings and nature and the development of mankind.

Then, how can we live a low-carbon life? Firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions. Combating climate change has to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet. Secondly, we should develop good habits in our daily lives. We can select products with longer shift life when we shop. This can reduce waste and ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Paper cups are made from cutting forests. We should try not to use them, or select the smaller ones when we do because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and reduce greenhouse gas. We should use efficient light bulbs which use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long. And the lights should be turned off when not needed. This will greatly reduced electricity consumption. We print things out only when necessary, and print double-sided and reduce the margins. All motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is better still. It's also better for our health and cheaper. Air travel is an environmental disaster. As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas. There are so many low-carbon life actions that it is impossible to list all of them. Low-carbon life can be summarized as moderate food, house, transportation, more sports and not wasting. In terms of traditional Chinese culture, the concept of low-carbon life can also be simplified as industry and thrift.


...to give you some tips on how to get along with the class. firstly, our classmates are......
secondly, you can try communicating more.....
lastly, you can always come to me for help in studies....

I often get up at 6:00,I have my breakefast after washing.Then I go to school.I always do my homework after I have lunch.In the evening,after having super,I go to do my homework,after that,sometimes I read books,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer.
This is my life in a day,and I feel happy .


i'm a good student.if you don't believe.you can see my day.i always get up at 6:00.then i brush my teeth ,my face.after that i have breakfast.i often go to school at 7:00.in the noon ,i come home and eat lunch. then i do my homework.in the eveneng ,after i finish my dinner and my homework,i often read books or watch TV .sometimes i play computer games.
that's my day. i am very happy.do you think i'm a good students.

I am a middle school student.I always get up at 6:00.After that, I do some washing and then have breakfast.I often go to school at 7:00.I come back home at noon to have lunch and then do some homework.In the evening,after super I also do my homework.Then I read books,and sometimes I watch TV or play on the computer.
This is my whole day and I enjoy it very much.

I am a student in a high school.My day is very colorful.I always get up at 6:00,then I have breakfast.I ofen go to school at 7:00.At noon,I have lunch at home.After that,I do my homework.In the evening,after I finish my homework,I often read books or watch TV.Sometimes I play the computer.This is my day.I am happy every day.

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