
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

You look very different. Your guitar when you cool. Now you. Looks very beautiful. You smile. Very cute. I can not believe that. You can even guitar playing so good. But the fact is the case. You are a very good guitarist. But I do not understand you and your friends talking about你看起来很不一样。在你弹吉他的时候你很酷。现在的你。看起来很美丽。你的笑容。很可爱。我无法相信。你居然可以把吉他弹得那么好。不过事实就是如此。你是一个很好的吉他手。不过我听不懂你和你的朋友在说什么的翻译

I don't believe that this kind of jeans would get out of style so soon.

1. bring...to...
2. could you pass me his stamps for a look?
3. always
4. give friends the gifts
5. listen to the teachers quietly
6. gets lots of presents
7. a busy week
8. high fever

bring +something...
show us his stamps
give the presents to friends
listen silently to the teacher
received many presents
a busy week

2.give his stamps to us to have a look at
4.give friends presents/gofts
5.listen to the teacher carefully
6.receive many presents/gifts
7.a busy week
8.have a high fever

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