
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

Chinese McDonald's is "false", just like Chinese food abroad never in Chinese do good.希望对你有用!

Ralph Waldo Emerson, speaking mainly through the papers and express their ideas, and his poetry, prose unique, focusing on the ideological content, philosophical layman, persuasive.

1. His paintings by some of the world's experts praise
2. That the two countries still at war
3. Mr. Brown came to China to seek a better future
4. He and his parents will go on vacation
5. Student one after another out of the classroom
6. He did not know how to deal with his naughty son
7. In my computer with the help I can finish my work in a timely manner
8. To some extent, what you said makes sense
9. You know how the universe formed it?
10. He is in great danger
11. When you are driving when you should pay attention to signs
12. Once you have a determination, you should carry on
13. When I was a child I dreamed of becoming a great scientist
14. I spent a whole morning, my good book classified

His paintings by some of the world's experts praise
That the two countries still at war
Mr. Brown came to China to seek a better future
He and his parents will go on vacation
Student one after another out of the classroom
He did not know how to deal with his naughty son
In my computer with the help I can finish my work in a timely manner
To some extent, what you said makes sense
You know how the universe formed it?
He is in great danger
When you are driving when you should pay attention to signs
Once you have a determination, you should carry on
When I was a child I dreamed of becoming a great scientist
I spent a whole morning, my good book classified

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