
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

A computer can solve difficult problems very quickly.

“你能用英语唱歌吗? ” “ 不,我不能。”
"Can you sing in English?" "No, I can't"

- What did that scientist say?
- He said that he didn't know whether he could fly into the space in a spaceship someday.

It's impossible that this key belongs to Peter. His is still locked in.

我应该打开窗子吗? 这里那么暖和。
Shall I open the window? How warm it is here.

Where do we meet?

Let's meet at the gate of the school.

So, you and Tome went to see the movie?

Yes. Bob didn't want to go with us.

You must come back once a month.

Yes, I will.

Sir, do you want some more tea?

No, thank you.

--- Tom在哪里?
Where is Tom?

He didn't come to school today. I think he maybe sick...

Can I try on this shirt?

Certainly, please.

John 也许今晚会来看我们,但他不是很肯定。
John may come to see us tonight, but he is not very sure.

Is the boy by the window your little brother?

--- 也许是他。
Maybe it's him.


34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了。 --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来。
(I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.----Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.)

35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。
(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for her.)

36. 当老师叫学生停下写字的时候,他们放下了笔。
(The students all put down their pens when their teacher asked them to stop writing.)

37. 商店里有好多漂亮的礼物,我不知道该选择哪一个。
(There are so many beautifu gifts that I don't know which one to choose.)

38. 现在是晚上十点。让我们去睡觉吧。
(It's 10 o'clock pm. Let's go to bed.)

39. 商店里有很多种类的收音机。我无法选择买哪个。
(There are so many beautiful radios that I cannot decide which one to buy.)

40. 没有人告诉我们该怎么做,所以我们需要你的帮助。
(No one has told us what to do so we need your help.)

41. --为什么这么小的女孩如此容易地学好三种外语?-- 因为英国,德国,法国都离她的国家很近。
(Why it is so easy for this little girl to learn three foreign language well?------It is because England ,Germany and France is near her living country.)

42. 你看起来十分累了,为什么不停下来休息呢?
(You're looking tired. Why not stop and have a rest?)

43. 布鲁斯,看看你的脏鞋,你最好现在就去把它洗干净。
(Bruce,see your dirty shoes. You'd better go and wash them now.)

44. 你最好不要把纸丢到街上。清洁工不容易清洁。
(You'd better not throw off papers on the road.It is difficult for the dustmen to clean .)

45. 刘英要我在家里等他。
(Liu Ying wanted me to wait for him at home.)

46. 张先生经常教他的日本朋友做中国菜。
(Mr.Zhang often teaches his Japanese friends to do Chinese dishes.)

47. 妈妈要我下次早一点起床。
(Mom asked me to get up early next time.)

48. 他们停下来听,但是没有再听到任何声音。
(They stopped to listen but nothing was heard.)

49. 萨拉在完成艰苦的工作后太累了以至于动弹不得。
(Sarah was so tired after the labouring work that she couldn't move.)

50. 请要求她不要在吃饭的时候读书。
(Please ask her not to read books when she is eating.)

51. 你永远都会喜欢圣诞节袜子,到老都如此。
(You will love the Christmas stockings till when you are old.)

52. 人们听到这著名的歌手在唱一首美妙的歌。
(People hear this famous singer singing a beautiful song.)


After a long walk, the old man must be very tired.

You must have your hands washed before eating. It's good for your health.

This book must be Lucy's. Look! Her name's on the book cover.

---Must I finish this job today?
---不, 不必。.
---No, you needn't.

---Must I return this book this morning?
---No, you needn't. But you must return it before supper.
I had to stop my car suddenly, for an aunty crossed the street in front of my car.

You needn't worry about your son. He'll be all right soon.

---Must I copy all the words?
---No, you needn't.

It's a lovely day today. You needn't take the raincoat along with you.

You'd better drink more water, Tim. It's good for your health.

You'd better not smoke in the room.

It's very cold outside. You'd better not take off your coat.

--- 星期六我能去看 Lucy吗,妈妈?
---Can I go to visit Lucy on Saturday, Mom?
--- 是的,可以。
---Yeah, you can.

After taking the very long road, old person was certainly very tired. before meals you must wash the hands. This has the advantage to your health. this book is certainly Lucy. Look! Her name in book title page. ---I must today complete this work? ---No, does not need. ---This morning I must also this book? ---No, you do not need. But you must before the dinner also. a Aunt passes through the street before mine vehicle, I can not but stop very quickly. you do not need to worry you the son. He very quick will be good. ---I must copy down all words? ---No, you do not need. the day is very today good. You do not need to bring the raincoat. you should better drink a water, Tim. This has the advantage to your health. you should better not smoke in the room. outside is very cold. You should better not take off the coat. --- Saturday I can go to look at Lucy, mother? --- Yes, may.

Come a long way, the elderly must be tired.
You must wash hands before eating. This is good for your health.
This book is Lucy's. Look! Her name in the book's cover.
--- Today I must finish this work?
--- No, do not have to. .
--- This morning, I must also this book?
--- No, you do not have to. But you must be before dinner. .
A Mother from my car before crossing the street, I had to stop soon.
You do not have to worry about your son. He will soon be well.
--- I need to copy down all the words are you?
--- No, you do not have to.
Good day today. You do not have to bring a raincoat.
You'd better drink some water, Tim. This is good for your health.
In the room you'd better not smoke.
Cold outside. You better not take off a coat.
--- Saturday, I can see Lucy you, Mother?
--- Yes, you can.

The old man must be tired after a long walk.
Washing hands before meals is good for your health.
This book must be Lucy's because her name is in title page.
---Must I today complete this work?
---No,you needn't
---Must I return the book this morning?
---No,but you should return it before supper.
A woman crossing the street before my car,so I had to stop.
Don't worry about your son,he will be better soon.
---Must I copy all the words?
---No ,you needn't
Today is fine,you needn't take the raincoat with you
Tim,you'd better drink more water , and it's good for your health.
You'd better not smoke in the room
It's cold outside,you'd better not take off your coat
---Mum,may I visit Lucy this Saturday?
---Yes,you may

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