
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-21

The nickname `is thin hooded fur overcoat' flange gram of · Xinna injustice is born on December 12 , 1915, show career successively joining Harry James , the Tommy Dorsey philharmonic orchestra holding the post of a host singing , having begun to exceed Ji Zhi Jiu the half a lifetime with personal nominal solo in 1942 starting from 1939. Xin Na District successively has worked together with big multiunit bands , has created strings of best-selling single bend , title , has won a prize taking notes also defying enumeration, Gelai US male singer is in popular or tradition is popular for singing an award Nobody else is worthy except him excessively, 1959, 1965, 66 three time has no way with title next year "Strangers in 1966 In The Night is that year best is only wrong "at the same time; Fifty-year-old that year has already gained Gelai US achieving all self's life laurel rewarding
Nicknamed " skinny monkeys" Frank Sinatra was born on December 12, 1915, since 1939, has joined Harry James, Tommy Dorsey Orchestra as a singer, solo in 1942 started his own name more than half a century-long career. Sinatra has big band and multi-group collaboration, creating clusters of best-selling singles, albums, awards are too numerous to mention, Grammy popular male singer in the traditional pop vocal award must go to him, 1959,1965 , 66, won album of the year three times, 1966, "Strangers In The Night" is also the best single of the year; fifty-year-old that year had won the Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award.

Objective of instruction: Objective of knowledge acquiring:
1 Recongnize the existing environmental problem in touring and its cause.

2 Master the criteria of evaluating the touring resource and the prerequisite of exploiting the resource.

卷离床的美国人的群众,面对吼叫进入他们的短角羚之内下滑而且达 1 小时竞选狗,潜在的 muggers 和美国人的群众在他们的 Schwinn 10 上的相反方向中朝向- 速度一定有时怀疑资讯科技是否是值在全部后的更恶化 , 如果一轻率的最近书和文章同类 " 练习神话 " 能被相信,实际的活动导致较长和健康生活的证据以因素和效果的有缺陷解释为基础。 资讯科技不是那一种练习延长生活, 争论去, 资讯科技很正直首先的专注运动和活跃的职业人是比较健康的。 但是健身擦光轮不应该仅仅仍然把他们的划机器放入干船坞。 依照一项将近包括 17000个忠诚哈佛的儿子长期的研究,它现在似乎运动的努力离一个时间的废物很远。被说上星期的药新英格兰日记的一项报告的适度练习,能总计是对人的生活二年。
在斯坦福大学医学院的 1960 年代中期拉尔夫博士 S. Paffenbarger 二世和他的同事中恢复了哈佛毕业生,35 到 74, 而且问了他们 oto 详细说明关于他们的一般健康和活的习惯调查表的答案。 追踪实行直到 1978 表示透过练习至少花费一星期 2000个卡路里的男人让比那些低的死亡率三分之四分之一到一燃烧提高较少的卡路里。 在报告中被引证的延长生活水平的活动是五小时的爽快步行的同等物,有关四小时的慢跑或色度超过三小时的褶皱不堪的事。 较多的练习意谓在长的生活–的一个较好的机会决定于点。 一个燃烧超过 3500个卡路里的摄生容易引起否定了大部份的起源于练习的利益受伤。

跑在您的生活哈佛研究与长寿连接锻炼滚动在床外面, 滑倒入他们的Reeboks 和跑一个小时在咆哮狗面前美国人的群众, 美国人潜在的泽鳄和群众朝向在相反方向在他们的Schwinn 10 速度必须有时想知道是否它是价值恶化终究, 如果最近书和文章疹象"锻炼神话" 可能被相信, 体育活动带领更长并且更加健康的生活根据起因和作用的一个有缺陷的解释的证据。不是锻炼延长生活, 论据去, 它是正义的参与体育和活跃职业的人们是健康的首先。但健身buffs 不应该投入他们的划船器在干船坞。根据一项长期研究涉及几乎哈佛的17000 个忠诚的儿子, 现在看起来运动努力是离浪费时间很远的地方。适度锻炼, 认为一个报告在上星期的N

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    答:宝贝,你永远都在我心里.Honey!You are in my heart forever.
  • 请大家帮忙修改一下英文翻译,谢谢
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