
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

英语的初学者说法如下:My English is not so good./ My English is poor.
更符合外国人交流的说法如下:I am working hard on my English .

poor 英[pɔ:(r)] 美[pʊr]
adj. 贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的;n. the poor 贫困者,穷人;
1.poor thing 可怜的人,可怜的家伙
2.poor efficiency 低效率

"我的英语不好”的英文表达为“My English is not good”.
good 英[gʊd] 美[ɡʊd]
adj. 好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的;
n. 好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人;
adv. 同well;
inferior good 低档商品 ; 劣质商品 ; 低档物品 ; 劣等品
good boy 好孩子 ; 外星神犬 ; 乖孩子 ; 人民服务
Good Time 美好时光 ; 好时光 ; 男士 ; 恰好
good news 好消息 ; 活动 ; 佳音 ; 好新闻
used good 二手货
1、We ought to follow her good example .
2、Good secretaries are always in demand .
3、A miss is as good as a mile .
4、The change of scene will do her some good .
5、I gladly bear witness to his good character .

我的英语不好的英文翻译是My English is poor  。


My English is poor  .




1. My English is poor, would you interpret for me?  

我英语很差, 你能为我译一下 吗 ?

2. I'm sorry , but my English is poor.  

抱歉! 我的英语很差!

3. My English is poor , wait a moment, please.  

我的英语水平一般, 请等一下.

4. At that time my English is poor, I almost lost confidence in learning English.  

那时我的英语很差, 我几乎对学习英语失去信心.

5. My English is poor, if there is wrong spelling, search the dictionary, like me.  

我的英语很烂, 如果有拼写不对的地方, 就和我一样查字典吧.

1、我的英语不好用英文吧为:My English is not good.

2、其中English的英式发音为[ˈɪŋglɪʃ]   美式发音为[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]  ,意思有:英语,英语的,英国的。


My English is not good

1. I am sorry that my english is not good!  


2. I'm sorry for being so slow . You know my English is not good.  


3. Acutally my English is not good enough, but I will do my best to help you!  

其实我的英语也不是很好, 不过我会尽力帮你的!

4. My English is not as good as his.  


5. My English is not as good as yours.  


6. My English is not very good and this is a good way to lift it.  


7. My English is not very good, said these or all are on - line Zha Dao!  

我的英语不是很好, 说的这些或都是在网上查到的!

8. My command of English is not half so good as yours.  


9. My spoken English is not very good, and I also study hard.  

我的英语口语不是很好, 在此我也在努力学习.

10. Don't speak me sarcastically. You can not understand. It is not good to represent my English. 

别(讽刺)挖苦我了. 你都看不懂了. 代表我英文不好.

“我的英语不好”的英文表达为“My English is  poor.”


poor    英[pɔ:(r)]    美[pʊr]    

adj.    贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的;    

n.    the poor 贫困者,穷人;    


1.poor thing 可怜的人,可怜的家伙  

2.poor efficiency 低效率

3.poor student 贫困生;学困生

4.poor service 差劲的服务

5.poor soil 贫瘠土壤


  1. He cut a poor figure on a public occasion .


2.We had a poor crop of raspberries this year .


3.Poor old fellow, his mind is failing .


4.The poor little puppy had been abandoned .


5.My cat 's been very ill , poor old thing .


"我的英语不好”的英文表达为“My English is not good”.
good 英[gʊd] 美[ɡʊd]
adj. 好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的;
n. 好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人;
adv. 同well;
inferior good 低档商品 ; 劣质商品 ; 低档物品 ; 劣等品
good boy 好孩子 ; 外星神犬 ; 乖孩子 ; 人民服务
Good Time 美好时光 ; 好时光 ; 男士 ; 恰好
good news 好消息 ; 活动 ; 佳音 ; 好新闻
used good 二手货
1、We ought to follow her good example .
2、Good secretaries are always in demand .
3、A miss is as good as a mile .
4、The change of scene will do her some good .
5、I gladly bear witness to his good character .

My English is not so good.
My English is poor.
建议:I am working hard on my English .

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