
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-23

I took my brother to the park.

Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates sang, danced, and some played valleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch, we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired, we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon, we retuned to school by bus.

One day of I and the younger brother go to the park, the park am very attractive, have the interesting thing, we make the game in the park, plays is very happy, when we played have been tired, has been hungry, then went to the nearby supermarket to go shopping. I and the younger brother play very much happily, therefore we decided that will probably next time also come.


yesterday i went to the Garden Park with my brother.The park was very beautiful,and there were many interesting things .We play games there.Then we were tired and felt a little hungry .So we went to the nearest supermarket to buy something for eat.We had a good time there.I think we'll be back next time.

This morning, me and brother to the park to play. Park is very beautiful, has a lot of interesting things, we play games in the park, very happy. Playing the tired, hungry and went to a nearby supermarket to buy things to eat. This is really a happy day, we will come back next time!

yesterday i went to the Garden Park with my brother.The park was very beautiful,and there were many interesting things .We play games there.Then we were tired and felt a little hungry .So we went to the nearest supermarket to buy something for eat.We had a good time there.I think we'll be back next time.

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