
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

CNC technology is advancing rapidly, from the dynamic numerical control technology and equipment development in the world, high-speed high-precision, intelligent, flexible, high-reliability, green, open, network control is the development of numerical control technologytrend. Architecture CNC system is an open system structure based on the PC digital development; in terms of network functions, numerical control systems and CAD / CAM integration, as well as CNC machine tools, network monitoring, maintenance and management have a good development prospects; in intelligent control, according to the processing conditions for automatic correction of the processing parameters, regulation and compensation has become a reality; tends to high-speed high-speed, high-precision control of CNC machining accuracy of quality of the products is also growing high. Conducive to the importance of improving the level of information of China's manufacturing industry and international competitiveness. CNC technology has undergone a fundamental change, is the very rapid development in recent years, applications of a comprehensive high-tech, it is to meet the processing and the emergence of high-precision, high-speed, complex parts, is automated, digital , flexible, information-based, integrated network based on the soul and core of the modern machine tools and equipment, has a wide range of applications and potential applications. Keywords: CNC high speed and precision; composite of CNC intelligent, open, networked, flexible high-reliability, green and functional; the STEP-NC open CNC system.


Oh honey(这个词没有必要翻译了),我很开心收到你的邮件。我很好,但我快疯了,因为我的网线被切断了上不了网,该死。我始终无法相信我已经失去了她。她在我们最后一次见面时说,如果你不失去,你永远不会知道你拥有了什么。也许她是对的。好吧,像你说的一样好了,随它去吧。她仍然是我永远的朋友,然而她也将会成为我最珍贵记忆中的一部分,就像儿时的玩具。别担心我,我已经不是个小孩子了。嘿嘿。可能我们很长一段时间不会见面了,但我回来的时候,我会遇见我的天使。好了,honey。很高兴收到你的邮件,兄弟,谢谢。真希望能马上见到你。爱上一些旧的事物,新的东西,流逝的,或者深沉的。

宝贝,收到你的邮件真是太好了!我没事儿,刚才不在线是因为网断了,破网!我一直不敢相信自己已经失去了她。我们最后一次见面时她说过,不失去就不会感到拥有。也许她是对的。好吧,就像你说得那样,过去了的就让它过去吧。她永远都是我的朋友,我美好的回忆,就像旧玩具一样。不用担心我,我不再是小孩子了。可能我们要有一段时间见不到面了,但等我回来后,我将会找到我的真爱。谢谢你发邮件给我,希望很快能见到你。 喜欢旧的、新的、借来的、蓝色的...


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