cometoonesmind造句  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
用come up to、set up、break down、be full of、make up one's mind造句

1 The concert did not come up toexpectations音乐会没有达到预期的效果
2 Companies are set up in 2005 when 公司是2005年成立的
3 My car broke down halfaway 我的车半路抛锚了
4 Our life will be full of happiness. 我们的生活将充满幸福
5 I have grown up, make up one's mind of their own. 我已经长大了 可以自己拿主意了

come into one's mind 意思是出现在某人的脑海中,其实就是“想起来,记起来”的意思~~~

come to one's mind
A thousand confused thoughts come to one's mind.

one mind come to just now!

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