
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

区别:目前用的比较多的从句主要有两种:定语从句和状语从句。定语从句:指在句子中起形容词作用的主谓结构,通常修饰它前面的名词或代词,即它的 先行词,一般定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的;状语从句:指在句子中起状语作用的句子叫做状语从句。状语从句可以位于句首、句中或句末。位于句首时,从句末尾通常有逗号与主句隔开;位于句中时,从句的前后都必须有逗号;位于句末时,从句的前面可以不用逗号。状语从句按意义可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、方式、比较、目的和结果等状语从句,一般状语从句由从属连词引导。而非谓语是以动词的各种形式来充当某些成分,比如定语,状语,主语,宾语等。



  I. v-ing 形式与从句之间的转换

  1. v-ing形式作主语可换成that引导的主语从句

  Tom's knowing English helps him in learning French.   That Tom knows English helps him in learning English.

  Her being out of work was unexpected.   That she was out of work was unexpected.

  2. v-ing形式作宾语或宾补可换成that引导的宾语从句

  I remember having paid him for his work.   I remember that I have paid him for his work.

  He suggests our making better use of the school library.   He suggests that we (should) make better use of the school library.

  3. v-ing形式作表语可换成that引导的表语从句

  Our worry is your depending too much on him.   Our worry is that you depend too much on him.

  The question is many people's being trapped in the fire.   The question is that many people are trapped in the fire.

  4. v-ing形式作定语可换成that, who, which引导的定语从句

  We will study in the house facing south.   We will study in the house that / which faces south.

  The man talking to my teacher is my father.   The man who / that is talking to my teacher is my father.

  5. v-ing形式作状语可换成相应状语从句

  On arriving there, I will telephone you.   As soon as I arrive there, I will telephone you.

  While waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.   While I was waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.


  He died, leaving his daughter much money.   He died, and (he) left his daughter much money.

  He died, with his daughter much money.

  II. V-ed形式与从句之间的转换

  1. v-ed形式作定语可换成定语从句

  The question discussed yesterday is very important.   The question that / which was discussed yesterday is very important.

  The boy lost in thought is my brother.   The boy who is lost in thought is my brother.

  2. v-ed形式作宾补可换成宾语从句

  I found the room broken into and a lot of things stolen.   I found (that) the room had been broken into and a lot of things had been stolen.

  3. v-ed形式作状语可换成状语从句

  (If) heated, water will turn into steam.   If it is heated, water will turn into steam.

  Don't speak until spoken to.   Don't speak until you are spoken to.

  III. to do形式与从句的转换

  1. to do形式作主语可转换成主语从句

  When and where (for us) to hold the meeting is unknown yet.   When and where we will hold the meeting is unknown yet.

  They seemed to be eating something cooked on the fire.   It seemed that they were eating something cooked on the fire.

  2. to do形式作宾语或宾补可换成宾语从句

  I don't know what to do with the matter.   I don't know that I should do with the matter.

 I warned him not to drive the car after drinking.   I warned that he should not drive the car after drinking.

  3. to do形式作表语可换成表语从句

  My wish is to become a pilot after graduation.   My wish is that I can become a pilot after graduation.

  My only worry was for her not to have enough experience in it.   My only worry was that she didn't have enough experience in it.

  4. to do形式作定语可换成定语从句

  The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance.   The meeting that / which will be held is of great importance.

  He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.   He was the first that arrived and the last that left.

  5. to do形式作目的、结果、原因状语可转换成相应的状语从句

  They started off early in order / so as to arrive in time.   They started off early in order / so that they could arrive in time.

  She was so excited as not to go to sleep.   She was too excited to go to sleep.

She was so excited that she couldn't go to sleep.









这个东西比较复杂,你最好是找一本语法书,仔细看一下。宾语从句在复合句中做主句的宾语,是初中英语教学大纲规定掌握的二种复合句之一,是非常重要的语法项目 ,学习时应从下面几个方面去系统掌握:
1.宾语从句具有陈述意义时用that引导,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如:He said (that)he had been to Beijing.他说他去过北京。
I'm sure(that)she won't mind. 我肯定她不会介意的。
2.宾语从句具有一般疑问意义时用连词if 或whether引导,口语中常用if。如:She asked me if(whether) she could come in. 她问我她是否能进来。
He asked if you had white hat.他问你是否戴着白色的帽子。
注意:if和whether在用法上是有区别的。(1)if可以引导条件状语从句,whether不能。如:I 'm coming here if it doesn't rain tomorrow.(如果明天不下雨我就来这里。) (2)在下列情况时只能用whether:用作介词的宾语时;用在不定式前面时;whether引导的从句置于句首时。如:
It depends on whether I have enough time. 这得由我是否有足够的时间来决定。
He doesn't know whether to go or not.他不知道要不要去。
Whether this is true or not,I can't say.这是不是真的,我说不准。
(3)whether和if常与or not连用,whether和or not 既可合起来使用,也可分开使用;if和or not只能分开使用。如:
He asked whether(if)they would come or not.他问他们是否该来。
I don't know whether or not they will come.我不知道他们来不来。
(4)whether 引导的宾语从句一般是肯定句,if 引导的宾语从句可以是肯定也可以否定的。如:
She asked whether/if you had enough money.她问你是否有足够的钱。
I don't care if it doesn't rain.我不在乎是否下雨。(只能用if)
3.宾语从句具有特殊疑问含义时用连接代词(what,who,which,whose)或连接副词(when,where,why,how)以及有how构成的词组how many,how long等。如: The children didn't know who Father Christmas was.孩子们不知道圣诞老人是谁。Do you know when they'll leave?你知道他们什么时候离开?
值得注意的是,宾语从句与主句之间需要有连词进行连接,除that可以省略外,其它连接词是不能省略的,更不能重复使用。如:“请告诉我们老师讲得什么。”不可以译为:Please tell us that what the teacher said.
我想知道他在做什么。[误]I want to know what is he doing.
[正]I want to know what he is doing.
告诉我他什么时候离开的。[误]Tell me when did he leave.
[正]Tell me when he left.
I know he lives here.我知道他住在这里。
I knew who lived here.我知道谁住过这儿。
He said that the sun rises in the east.他说太阳从东方升起。
主句为I think/believe/guess等时,其后面宾语从句的否定应转移到主句上,且附加问句要按从句确定。有否定转移时,要将否定移回到从句上再决定附加问句的形式。如:I don't think he'll be back,will he?
I think he can answer the question,can't he?
She hopes that she will be back soon.→She hopes to be back soon.
He agreed that he would help me with my English.→
He agreed to help me with my English.
I don't know what I should do next.→I don't know what to do next.
Please tell me how I can finish the work on time.→
Please tell me how to finish the work on time.
I saw that he went into the house just now.→
I saw him go into the house just now.
Can't you see that the boy is climbing the tree?→
Can't you see the boy climbing the tree?
I heard she was singing in English.→I heard her singing in English.
Tom's mother found he was a very good pupil.→
Tom's mother found him a very good pupil.
Do you understand what I said? →Do you understand my words?
Could you tell me where the hospital is?→
Could you tell me the way to the hospital? 定语从句注意要点
1,只能用that,不能用which,who 的几种情况
The person and his dog that were killed in the accident were bury.
The man and his school ____you told me are very interesting.
2)先行词是不定代词:anything,something,everything,nothing,all,the one 等词
(1)Has everything that can be done been done?
(2)All that you told me was difficult to understand.
(1)It is the longest film that I have seen all in my life.
(1)It's the first time that I've been to Beijing.
(2)The first stamp that was invented appeared in England
5)先行词被just ,very,only等强调词语的修饰。
(1)It's the very house that I want to buy.
(2)Only the vegatable that hasn't been polluted is save to eat.
2.只能用which ,who不能用that的两情况:
Changjiang,which is the third longest river,lies in China.
Do you know Chairman Mao,who used to be the chairman of the Party?
It rained a lot,which made a flood happened.
He tore my photo,which made me angry.
1)先行词被such,the same 修饰
I've never heard of such a terrible earthquake _____ you told me.
对比:It's such a terrible earthquake ______many people were killed.
Taiwuang belongs to China,as we know.
As everybody can see, we have a good harvest in fruit this year,the fruit will be cheap.
对比which 修饰整句话当先行词:
1。which引导的句子有“这就使...”造成什么客观后果的意思,而as 引导的句子都是主观认识的动词:如know,see,expect,was told 之类。
2。as 引导的定语从句可放句首,(这是唯一能放在先行词前的定语从句。当然,它也可放先行词后。而which 肯定要放先行词后。3。先行词和which 之间肯定有逗号隔开,而"the same .....as......""such ......as......"没有逗号隔开。整句话当先行词,主从句之间都必须有逗号隔开。
4.只有that,which 在当定语从句中的宾语时可省略,其它情况下的关系代词都不能省略。
* I. 时间状语从句
* 1.while, as, when 做引导词
* while只能表持续性的动作或状态,不能表一时性或短暂性的动作,主句和从句的动作同时发生,且持续时间长。
* as也可表持续性动作,但持续时间较短,主句、从句动作也是同时发生。
* when既可表一时性动作,也可表持续性动作。可指一个时间段,也可指一个时间点,从句的动作可和主句的动作同时发生,也可先于主句的动作发生。
* While the teacher explained the text, the students listened attentively and took notes.
* She entered the room when the meeting was going on.
* The earth turns round its axis as it travels round the sun.
* 2. till, until做引导词
* 两词可通用,都表主句谓语动词的动作持续到从句谓语动词的动作发生时为止,until引导的从句可放句首,till引导的一般放句末。主句有否定含义时,until, till都有before之意,not until放在句首主谓要倒装。
* She stood there till/until he had passed out of sight.
* He did not stop to rest until he had finished the work.
* Not until Mary had heard that sound was she really frightened.
* 3. as soon as, the moment, the minute, the instant, directly, once, immediately引导的时间状语从句都表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即发生,且主句和从句的时态相同,通常译成"一......就......"
* no sooner... than, hardly/scarcely...when表主句、从句动作相继发生,一般主句用过去完成时,从句用过去时。如果hardly, no sooner, scarcely提前,主谓要倒装。
* As soon as he saw me, he ran away.
* They told me the news immediately they got the message.
* Hardly had he gone to bed when the door bell rang.

* 4. 时间状语从句不用将来时,一般现在时表将来,一般过去时表过去将来。

* II. 地点状语从句
* 用where或wherever引导
* You can see flowers in spring wherever you go.

* III. 条件状语从句
* 1. 条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来。
* 2. Unless, if, if only引导的状语从句
* unless表反面的条件,=if...not,"除非"
* if表正面条件,"如果"
* if only表强烈愿望或遗憾,用虚拟,"但愿..."
* If you work hard at your lessons, you are bound to pass the examination.
* You will miss the bus unless you walk more quickly.
* If only I had more money, I could buy some new clothes.

* 3. 由provided (that), providing (that), supposing (that), suppose (that), as long as, so long as, on condition that, in case等引导,与if 相近,常有"如果"、"只要"、"假如"、"假使"、"在...条件下"等。
* Supposing you fell in love with your boss, what would you do?
* You are welcome to stay with us as long as you share the rent.
* In case Mary comes, please tell her to come to my office.
* I will give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning.
* IV. 原因状语从句
* 1. as, because, since, for
* as: 表示原因的语气比because要弱,一般放在句首;
* because的语气最强,对已明确的事实表示稍加分析后的原因,一般放句末,也可放句首;
* since一般放句首;
* for一般表补充解释,一般放句末。
* The engine stopped because the fuel was used up.
* As a steel ship is hollow, it floats on water.
* Since no one is against it, we will adopt the proposal.

* 2. Seeing (that), considering (that), now that "鉴于", "由于......"
* Seeing that I shall be here again tomorrow, I won't wait any longer.
* Now that everybody is here, let's begin our meeting.
* Considering that he has only been learning English for a year he speaks it very well.
* V. 目的状语从句
* 1、so that, that, in order that
* 主句如用一般现在时,从句用情态动词may/can; 若为一般过去时,则用could/should或might. In order that可放主句前或后,so that 只能放主句后。

* 2、lest, for fear that, in case有"以防"、"以免"之意,lest后一般用should+动词原形,in case一般用虚拟语气,有时也用陈述句。



  I. v-ing 形式与从句之间的转换

  1. v-ing形式作主语可换成that引导的主语从句

  Tom's knowing English helps him in learning French.   That Tom knows English helps him in learning English.

  Her being out of work was unexpected.   That she was out of work was unexpected.

  2. v-ing形式作宾语或宾补可换成that引导的宾语从句

  I remember having paid him for his work.   I remember that I have paid him for his work.

  He suggests our making better use of the school library.   He suggests that we (should) make better use of the school library.

  3. v-ing形式作表语可换成that引导的表语从句

  Our worry is your depending too much on him.   Our worry is that you depend too much on him.

  The question is many people's being trapped in the fire.   The question is that many people are trapped in the fire.

  4. v-ing形式作定语可换成that, who, which引导的定语从句

  We will study in the house facing south.   We will study in the house that / which faces south.

  The man talking to my teacher is my father.   The man who / that is talking to my teacher is my father.

  5. v-ing形式作状语可换成相应状语从句

  On arriving there, I will telephone you.   As soon as I arrive there, I will telephone you.

  While waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.   While I was waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.


  He died, leaving his daughter much money.   He died, and (he) left his daughter much money.

  He died, with his daughter much money.

  II. V-ed形式与从句之间的转换

  1. v-ed形式作定语可换成定语从句

  The question discussed yesterday is very important.   The question that / which was discussed yesterday is very important.

  The boy lost in thought is my brother.   The boy who is lost in thought is my brother.

  2. v-ed形式作宾补可换成宾语从句

  I found the room broken into and a lot of things stolen.   I found (that) the room had been broken into and a lot of things had been stolen.

  3. v-ed形式作状语可换成状语从句

  (If) heated, water will turn into steam.   If it is heated, water will turn into steam.

  Don't speak until spoken to.   Don't speak until you are spoken to.

  III. to do形式与从句的转换

  1. to do形式作主语可转换成主语从句

  When and where (for us) to hold the meeting is unknown yet.   When and where we will hold the meeting is unknown yet.

  They seemed to be eating something cooked on the fire.   It seemed that they were eating something cooked on the fire.

  2. to do形式作宾语或宾补可换成宾语从句

  I don't know what to do with the matter.   I don't know that I should do with the matter.

 I warned him not to drive the car after drinking.   I warned that he should not drive the car after drinking.

  3. to do形式作表语可换成表语从句

  My wish is to become a pilot after graduation.   My wish is that I can become a pilot after graduation.

  My only worry was for her not to have enough experience in it.   My only worry was that she didn't have enough experience in it.

  4. to do形式作定语可换成定语从句

  The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance.   The meeting that / which will be held is of great importance.

  He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.   He was the first that arrived and the last that left.

  5. to do形式作目的、结果、原因状语可转换成相应的状语从句

  They started off early in order / so as to arrive in time.   They started off early in order / so that they could arrive in time.

  She was so excited as not to go to sleep.   She was too excited to go to sleep.

She was so excited that she couldn't go to sleep.

非限定动词(non-finite verb)是动词的非谓语形式。非限定动词和限定动词不同。限定动词(finite verb)在句中用作谓语,受主语的人称和数的限制。如:
I put my book down and look out of the window. 我放下书,望着窗外。
Hunger and disease are would problems. 饥饿和疾病是世界性问题。
Scientists hope to find a cure for cancer. 科学家们希望找到一种治疗癌症的方法。(不定式to find用作宾语)
Backpacking is popular among college students. 背行李包旅行在大学生中很流行。(动名词backpacking用作主语)
People walking in poorly lighted areas at night should be extremely careful. 夜间在光线差的地方走路的人应当特别小心。(现在分词walking用作定语)
Badly torn garments should be mended by an experienced seamstress. 破得厉害的衣服应当找有经验的女缝工缝补。(过去分词torn和experienced用作定语)
How can I get to know her? 我怎么能认识他呢?(不定式to know的逻辑主语是I)
I can’t bear him staying up so late. 我不能忍受他这么晚睡。(动名词staying的逻辑主语是him)
Who is that speaking? 您是哪一位?(现在分词speaking的逻辑主语是that)
They plan further talks with interested parties in this question. 他们就此问题打算与有关各方进一步谈判。(过去分词interested的逻辑主语是parties)
The foreign guests hope to join the National Day celebration of Beijing. → The foreign guests hope that they can join the National Day celebration of Beijing. 外宾希望参加北京的国庆庆祝会。(不定式短语转化成宾语从句)
The man standing there is our English teacher. → The man who is standing there is our English teacher. 站在那儿的那个人是我们的英语教师。(现在分词短语转化成定语从句)
I regret being unable to help. → I regret that I cannot help. 我感到抱歉,不能帮助你。(动名词短语转化成宾语从句)

要么你使用连词 另外一个动词有自己的主语 那么就是两句完整的句子用连词连接
要么不使用连词 这个时候除了谓语动词之外的动词 就叫做非谓语
它是动词 但不是谓语 所以是 非谓语
非谓语的形式主要有几种 doing 用于主动语态 发出动作的主语是主动的
V+ed 用于被动语态 发出动作的主语是被动的

  • 什么是非谓语从句/
  • 什么是非谓语从句/
    答:那么就是两句完整的句子用连词连接 要么不使用连词 这个时候除了谓语动词之外的动词 就叫做非谓语 它是动词 但不是谓语 所以是 非谓语 非谓语的形式主要有几种 doing 用于主动语态 发出动作的主语是主动的 V+ed 用于被动语态 发出动作的主语是被动的 两个动词之间用to隔开的形式 ...
  • 什么是非谓语从句?
    答:不存在非谓语从句。因为不存在谓语从句,也就不存在非谓语从句。什么叫从句?从句就是某个句子成为一个句子中的一个成分。从句还是一个句子,它也存在着句子的全部结构。非谓语动词就有 也有人叫做非限定动词 非谓语动词就是不做谓语的动词。
  • 什么是非谓语从句
    答:谓语:谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”. 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后。非谓语:在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式,动名词,和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词)。1)不定式 时态\语态 主动 被动 ...
  • 非谓语从句有哪些?
    答:从句末尾通常有逗号与主句隔开;从句的前后都必须有逗号;从句的前面可以不用逗号。非谓语动词和定语从句有什么区别 非谓语动词是说不能在句子中做谓语。主句是句子,从句也是句子啊,是句子就必须有谓语动词,不能主句有动词,从句就不给动词,非谓语动词可以出现在主句中,也可以出现在从句中。
  • 非谓语从句和谓语从句有什么区别?
    答:非谓语动词就是动词的ing或者加ed形式,来补充修饰名词,如The girl standing in that street is my favorite friend.就是一个非谓语做定语来修饰名词的句子,如果改成定语从句就是The girl who stands in that street is my favorite friend.就是把非谓语恢复原来形式然后用which who that 等一些引导词...
  • 无动词从句是什么从句
  • 关于从句、谓语、非谓语
    答:状语从句 (Adverbial Clause)状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导,也可以由词组引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句...
  • 定语从句,名词性从句,非谓语从句的区别和联系是什么?
    答:关注 展开全部 非谓语是区别于谓语动词来讲的,没有非谓语从句一说。定语从句和非谓语都相当于中国话里的定语修饰的感觉,只不过一个是用从句来修饰,一个放在句子前成一个分句的形式来修饰。而名词性从句也可以理解成解释说明的感觉。希望可以帮到你 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他...
  • 英语中非谓语是什么意思?有什么形式?
    答:简单的英语句式是主语-谓语-宾语。常见形式是非谓语动词,是对谓语的补充说明。非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词以及分词三种形式。 为了区分这三种非谓语动词的用法,我们从它们在句子或者特殊句型中充当的不 同成分以及用法等角度来具体比较它们的用法。 不定式、动名词及分词做表语的区别: 不定式做表语 1)不定式做表语...