
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01


非常感叹知道使用者的热情,在我开始回答之时,有五个回复了,可是唯有 wjzhidao对but的理解靠谱。我真的好希望大家都能写出漂亮的英文啊!
一个拼写错误 insteaded for 应该是intended for 意思是为……准备的。
although引导的让步状语从句,大家理解起来没问题。后面主句里不能有but。主句是none of my classmates had one。后面还有一个有主谓宾的句子I found it extremerly difficult to use at first. 这个句子由but衔接,其实和and衔接的句子一样都是并列句。but是对主句none of my classmates had one的意义转折,抑或对比,并不和让步状语从句的although有任何联系。

1 He had a big change in the past five years.
2 Just wait a moment 或者是 i will come a moment later.
3 He fell asleep with the light unclosed.
4 I had a cachinnation when i heared that thing.
5 we sould not be solicitous about that.
6 you should make a listing before shopping ,if you want to save your time.
7 we will yearn towards you ,if you go abroad.

In the passed 5 years, he changed a lot.
Wait, i'm coming.
He slept with the light on last night.
After hearing to that matter, I would not help to laugh.
We don't have anything to worry about.
If you want to save time, make a list before you shop.
If you go abroad, we will miss you.

He changed a lot in the past years.
I will be back soon,please wait monment.
He slept yesterday night with opening light.
I am in stitches when I heard this case.
We are worried about nothing.
Please make a list for shopping if you want to save time.
We will miss you very much if you will be abroad.

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