求大神帮忙用英文翻译以下文章,希望通顺连贯准确,最好不要用翻译软件,感谢各位 ,急急!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28
求大神帮忙用英文翻译以下文章,希望通顺连贯准确,最好不要用翻译软件,感谢各位 ,急!

1、 尊重的心:管理者必须尊重自己组织中的每个员工。所谓“想人怎样待己便应该怎样待人”,尊重是赢得真诚的前提。尽管在组织中,每个员工的身世背景,家庭可能各有不同,但是以平等的心对待每个员工,才能谋求一个融洽的氛围,让员工从心里愿意和你共事,愿意为你排忧解难,共谋发展。
2、 关心的心:基层管理者直接接触的就是一线员工,因而他们的“疾苦、心声”基层管理者知道得最清楚。关心才能显示出自己的仁爱之心。
3、 体恤的心:既然有了关心,就应该在他们出现个人问题时,体恤他们同时,学会换位思考,所谓“己所不欲勿施于人”。
4、 赏识的心:当你赏识一个人的时候,你就可以激励他。作为管理者,就要不断用赏识的眼光对待员工,不断地在工作中表达自己的赏识,使员工受到鼓舞和激励,尤其是在员工做得优秀的时候。管理者不能默认员工的表现,一味地让员工猜测自己的态度,默认和猜测都将导致沟通的障碍,使员工对管理者丧失信心。你所能做的就是对员工说出你的常识和你对他们的评价,让员工从你的表情和语言中感受你的真诚,激励员工的士气。
5、 分享的心:分享是最好的学习态度,也是最好的管理方式。管理者就是要在工作当中不断地和员工分享知识、分享经验、分享目标、分享一切值得分享的东西,通过分享,管理者不断能很好地传达理念,表达想法,不断形成影响力,用影响力和威信管理者也能不断从员工那里吸取更多有用的东西,形成管理都与员工之间的互动,相互学习,相互进步。
6、 授权的心:授权赋能既是经理的职责所在,也是高效管理的心备条件,管理者只有把应授出的权力授予员工,员工才会愿意对工作负责,才会更有把工作做好的动机,经理必须在授权上多加用心,把授权工作做好,让授权成为解放自我,管好员工的法宝,授权的心更表现为自己够有勇气去“举贤”,能够容忍下属超越自己。

Employees have the right attitude and deep feelings
Attitudes and emotional problems for employees, the management has always been a fundamental problem. With the right attitude towards employees, we have a "situation with class, reasoning." Nature is a problem in the New Management. On employee attitudes and emotions are closely linked, correct attitude is the foundation to produce feelings of deep affection is a concrete manifestation of the right attitude. Do "discipline" to work, you must have the following "heart"
1. Respect the heart: managers must respect each employee in their organization. The so-called "think men should do to others what it should have been," Respect is earned sincere premise. Although in the organization, each employee life experience background, family may vary, but an equal heart to treat every employee to seek a harmonious atmosphere where employees from the heart and you are willing to work, willing to solve problems for you, a total of development.
2, concerned about the heart: lower-level managers are in direct contact with frontline employees, so their "suffering, the voice of" lower-level managers know best. Concerned in order to show their benevolence.
3, compassionate heart: Now that you have concerns, they should appear in their personal problems, compassionate they also learn empathy, so-called "do not do to others."
4, appreciation of the heart: When you appreciate a person, you can motivate him. As managers, we must continue to treat employees with the appreciation of the vision, constantly expressing his appreciation at work, employees are encouraged and motivated, especially when employees have done excellent. Managers can not default employee performance, blindly guess the staff their attitude, default and speculation will lead to communication barriers, so that employees lose faith in the manager. All you can do is to tell the staff your common sense and you judge them, so that employees feel your sincerity from your expressions and language, motivate staff morale.
5, the share of mind: sharing is the best learning attitude, is the best approach to management. Managers and employees is to continue to share in the work which knowledge, share experiences, to share goals, share everything something worth sharing, through sharing, managers constantly convey the idea well, express ideas, evolving influence, with effect power and prestige of managers can continue to learn from employees more useful things, the formation of interaction between employees and management are, learn from each other and progress.
6, authorizing the heart: empowerment is both a duty manager, the heart condition is the efficient management of equipment, only to grant managers should be granted authority staff, the staff will be willing to be responsible for the work, will be more to do our work good motivation, managers must pay more intention on the authorization, the authorization to do the work, let authorized to become self-liberation, manage magic staff, authorized by the heart but also the performance enough for their courage to "virtuous" that can tolerate subordinates beyond yourself.

If the middle managers metaphor as a coach on the pitch, then grass-roots management personnel can analogy captain not only to present on his command to attack, the body must first scholar rate, charge into the enemy ranks. They are the backbone of the enterprise can not be ignored, is the basis for enterprise development, but also the reserve army of enterprise talents. Countless outstanding managers, are from the grassroots start. So, how to do a qualified managers? Seem particularly important. The following is my personal idea to do a look at this issue:
A, excellent professional skills
The manager at the grassroots level is managers, and responsible for the specific work and business, so the qualities of personal excellent business ability is in the organization "let people convinced" as a precondition. At the same time, the enterprise's various business training is also carried out by the grass-roots managers, so the business ability of the basic level managers to occupy a pivotal weight.
1, with the adaptation of the professional, skills, theoretical knowledge.
2, familiar with the professional scope of their work, procedures, methods, skills, skilled use of the professional tools.
3, business proficiency, scientific decision-making, organization, coordination and communication skills.
Two, excellent quality of morality
1, the company, the collective interests of the weight, adhere to the truth, seeking truth from facts.
2, with a broad mind.
3, with the right to justice.
4, with the pragmatic style of the truth.
5, with the feeling of reason.
Good moral character is a necessary condition for good life, is also the capital of class management. Excellent moral character, it is the image of good, kind, sincere, diligent and enterprising to broad - minded, upright style, Biaoliruyi combined.
Three, adapt to the cultural quality
The culture education of the whole nation is continuously improving, the staff culture level is generally higher, at the same time, new technology, new equipment, continue to emerge, the office means is increasingly modernized. Must have strong observation ability, thinking ability, strain capacity, analysis judgment ability, decision making operations, planning and organizational skills, coordination ability to control and report ability to innovation ability management culture quality to improve. The improvement of these abilities requires the abundant cultural knowledge as the foundation.
1, a certain knowledge of cultural and political theory.
2, master of the professional knowledge.
3, a wide range of relevant subject knowledge.
Four, strong dedication and responsibility
Dedication and sense of responsibility, is to do all the work of the first condition, do well in the ideological bases for a qualified managers. With this, will study hard, improve the skills, will be strict with themselves, everywhere set an example, will work hard to work. This shows that the cause of the heart in the quality of the management of the extremely important position and role.
1, love, love, love the company team, build up establishment ideological positions.
2, with the company as the home, the responsibility to work on the sense of responsibility.
3, a serious attitude, meticulous attitude.
4, work hard, work hard work spirit.

Service heart: the so-called service is the staff as their customers. The manager is a supplier of service to the staff. All you have to do is to make full use of their powers and resources for staff to provide convenient work to remove barriers, is committed to the construction of barrier free environment, let the staff experience management efficiency and high speed, and will continue to boost employee morale.
Six, have a good self-image
Set an example, set a good image, and the concrete embodiment of the comprehensive reflection of the quality of management and employees to accept the management of education and management, not only to listen to his words, but deeds. To strengthen the management of the authority and persuasion, must establish a good image, make oneself an example, adhere to the line shift.
1, to dedicated, responsible and diligent, conscientious, have strong responsibility and sense of collective honor gladne to collective honor and interests for heavy, in order to make the subordinate to have the respect and admiration of sense, inspire a sense of subordinate collective sense of honor and responsibility.
2, obey the law, be strict with oneself image.
3, take the lead, heavy responsibilities of the image, requiring employees to do, do yourself first. "Dare, dare to shout", "come with me", "look at me" make a good appearance.
4, fair and honest image, adhere to the principle, regardless of the closeness, make no exception.
5, the overall situation, maintenance an image of unity, to establish a harmonious internal relationship, enhance the unity of the internal is important functions as a manager.
Seven, have the ability to manage the job
Management ability is the most important management quality, its content is very extensive, extremely rich. Is the new period of grass-roots management work development needs. Managers must have four abilities:
1, using the management regulations of the class. Cadres according to the system to the tube, the staff to do the system.
2. Ability to discover and solve problems.. To be good at discovering problems, analyzing problems, solving problems correctly. First of all, we must be good with the staff to implement the "Five" view of the changes, look for the signs. Discover the problems in time. Secondly, through to understand the serious thinking and analysis, identify problems and take timely measures and means to solve, truly "four know, a root", the problem may be nipped in the bud.
3, strict management and persuasion and education combining ability must strive to improve the strict management and persuasion and education combining ability, cogent accomplish: to adhere to strict management, strict management and insist on persuasion and education, to deal with the class, and be good to combine these two aspects.
4, to do good people thinking ability to transform work. "Man, all forms."
Eight, team building ability:
In addition to the basic level managers have excellent business skills, then the charm and value of the management is the team's ability to build. A person's performance may be excellent, but only focus on individual performance and neglect of the team, at best, just a business elite. If the team plays a huge role in the effectiveness, is a manager of the greatest joy.

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