
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-19


  1.Academics: Academically, Clemson provides a great selection of professors
(although some are not so good) and a substantial but fair workload. Registering
for classes is also simple and fair (priority is given to those in the honors
college and athletes, then based on number of completed credit hours), and the
library is very spacious and can handle a great number of people. The library
culture is also very accommodating for those wishing to individually study as
opposed to those working on group projects as floors are separated based on
noise level (collaborative zones).


  2.Academics: Clemson does offer wonderful academic programs and can really
give you a wonderful education, the professors are knowledgeable and really want
to help you succeed.


  3.Academics: There is a wide variety of internship/co-op opportunities for
those in the engineering field. The career center is definitely geared towards
catering to engineering students. The workload in my major is manageable
although there are a few courses that will definitely challenge the student.


  4.Majors: I very much enjoy the programs I take part in at school. Although
they become very very difficult and hard to complete and finish. I end up
working with a partner even though we are told not to, but they are too
difficult to not be able to work with a partner to finish the programs. I have
not looked into any internship opportunities, but I will start at the beginning
of the spring semester.


  5.Majors: I love my major. I like that I can easily get into medical school
with it but I also have other option. The most difficult part are the actual
academics. The admissions process was no different than other majors. I would
advise to work hard in high school so that you stand out to the admissions


  6.Majors: My mechanical engineering internships are awesome. start at
$15-$20 an hour and you are given a ton of freedom to complete cool


  7.Diversity: I've joined an international club that allowed me to meet many
people from different countries - most from the Asian region. I'm not big on
political beliefs and so I don't know what my friends' beliefs are either. My
group of friends range from being extremely poor to extremely wealthy, but that
doesn't factor into much except when we go out to dinner. There's a lot of
different people that can be found on campus, you just have to look for


  8.Diversity: We have a very diverse campus and most everyone accepts each
other. There are many different organizations on campus that focus on diversity
and being people together to learn about each other.


  9.Athletics: School spirit at Clemson is definitely one of the best. You
will frequently see students wearing orange, and football games are some of the
biggest events on campus. Students are definitely proud to go here, and the fan
support is definitely one of the best out there.


  10.Athletics: Clemson football is a HUGE part of the Clemson experience.
The entire campus is alive on game day with alumni and fans flocking for events.
The number of students who participate in intramural and club sports is also


  11.Guys & Girls: The guys and girls at my school are all very nice,
accommodating people. No matter what the gender type, the racial color, or
anything physical, everyone likes each other and will wave to each other. So
far, I have not seen any act of ignorance or bad behavior to other students
around campus. The looks, dresses, or interests in clothes do not depend on what
the people are in the inside. The honor code of our school has respect and that
is something that us students will always go by.


  12.Guys & Girls: Southern women know how to take care of their men!


  13.Campus Food: There is plenty of variety on campus for food. You can
usually find something for everyone. I like that Clemson produces it's own ice
cream and sells in it's own ice cream parlor. I do think that the food can be
rather expensive for what you get. Especially some of the convenient already
packaged meals.


  14.Campus Food: Clemson tries very hard to get a variety of foods in the
dining halls. They are updating the menu all the time to accommodate dietary
needs like gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and other food allergy/ dietary
restrictions. However, it does get old, and it is hard to find healthy options
sometimes because everything starts to taste the same.


  15.Campus Housing: Living on campus is great since you are right in the
middle of all activities. Living in the horseshoe is a great option for incoming
freshman since so many freshman live in this area.

  校园住宿:住校是很好的,因为你就在各种活动的中心!对新生来说,住在 horseshoe那是不错的选择,因为很多新生都住在那里!

  16.Campus Housing: I lived in Holmes, and I enjoyed an excellent on-campus
experience! I loved it so much, I will be returning to live on campus once again
next year. I attribute my satisfaction with the people on my hall. We really had
an excellent relationship. We held three hall roasts and had awesome
interactions with each other throughout.


  17.Health & Safety: As soon as someone says something about a possible
safety concern, a staff in the school will immediately send out mass emails to
everyone and project an announcement through speakers. Campus crime is not very
likely considering that there are always cops and civilians around to be on the
look out. Overall I feel very safe on campus.


  18.Health & Safety: Campus crime is very low. There have been a few
break-ins off campus, but nothing serious on campus. I feel safe walking around
at night, but usually prefer to have someone with me just in case. There are the
blue emergency lights to press if something does happen. Tiger Transit is also
useful if you are uncomfortable walking.


  19.Transportation: Tiger Transit and the CatBus are both free and really
great options for getting to and from Clemson and Central without a car, but
they do have limited routes and times. Peak times can sometimes leave you
waiting thirty minutes to get to campus or get home depending on your stop.


  20.Transportation: There are always CatBuses on campus. There are different
bus routes and it is easy to remember the schedule. There are two buses that run
off campus: one to Seneca and one to Anderson. After a certain time, you can
call tiger transit and it will pick you up from your current location (on
campus) and take you anywhere you want to go on campus. Also, there are small
cars that offer free rides to students, run by other students who work here.


  21.Local Area: Clemson as a college-town honestly has little attraction
other than of course the university itself. Attractions and shopping options are
very limited, although the locals are very supportive of the students.


  22.Local Area: Its an okay area there isn't much to do and that is fine do
to the fact that for the most part your always buys with homework and when your
not doing homework there is usually something to do on campus events are always
being put together for the students here.


  23.Party Scene: Parties can really be found on any day of the week if a
person goes looking for them. Parties can be held between friends, fraternities,
sports teams, and downtown at local bars. Football games are also a big time for
parties and celebrations. Downtown Clemson is very strict and only allows 21 and
up into the bars. The parties are very fun and can provide something fun for
friends to do.



学校一直把教学和实践的有机联系作为第一宗旨,优越的地理位置和便利的交通使得学生有机会到大城市实践自己的课堂所学。学校鼓励学生积极参加各种课外活动来增长见识,开阔视野。该校共有各类学生社团与组织275个。 James F. Byrnes,詹姆斯·伯恩斯,美国政治家,曾任最高法院大法官(1941-1942)美国国务卿(1945–1947)和南卡罗来纳州州长(1951–1955)。1946年美国《时代》周刊年度人物,美国前总统罗斯福的密友;
David Beasley,前南卡罗来纳州州长(1995-1999);
Chad Connelly,现任南卡罗来纳州共和党主席;
Nikki Haley,现任南卡罗来纳州州长;
Kristie Kenney, 现任美国驻菲律宾大使;
David Wilkins, 前美国众议院议长,美国驻加拿大大使;
Strom Thurmond,前南卡罗来纳州参议院,美国历史上任职时间最长的参议院; Robert H. Brooks,美国连锁著名餐厅 Hooters of America创始人;
Betsy Banks Saul,美国著名在线的、可搜索的无家可归动物的数据库Petfinder创始人; Kris Benson,克里斯·本森,美国职棒大联盟著名投手;
Jonathan Byrd, 乔纳森·拜德,美国著名高尔夫球手;
Lucas Glover, 卢卡斯·格罗乌尔,美国著名高尔夫球手;
Stuart Holden, 斯图尔特·霍尔登,美国著名足球运动员,现效力于英冠博尔顿俱乐部;
Oguchi Onyewu,奥古齐·奥涅乌,美国著名足球运动员,现效力于葡甲里斯本竞技俱乐部;
Brian Dawkins,美国著名橄榄球运动员;
C. J. Spiller,美国著名橄榄球运动员;
William Perry, 威廉·佩里,美国著名橄榄球运动员; John W. Huffman, 著名化学家,80年代合成大麻素第一位化学家。合成大麻素多数都来自以John W Huffman命名的JWH系列。
Antony Valentini, 著名理论物理学家。

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