
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

词汇分析音标:英 [ˈɒfɪs] 美 [ˈɔ:fɪs]
拓展资料1、The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.
2、Are you going to the office today?
3、Some people have to share an office.
4、Come into my office.
5、How long has he been in office ?

  办公室门牌可翻译为“the doorplate of the office”.
  1指挥中心 management center
  2设备机房 machine room
  3卫生间 restroom
  男士 gentlemen
  女士 ladies

  5更衣间 dressing room
  6应急物资储备室 storeroom for emergency reserve
  7教学室 lecture room
  8领导监控室 monitor room
  9休息室 lounge
  10 系统维护室 system maintenance room
  11 图书室 reading room/library
  12 信息管理办公室 information management office
  13 主任办公室 director office
  14 活动室 multi-purpose room
  1、Joe nailed the doorplate to the wall.
  2、We have moved our house to another place, but my address still is the old, because we moved with our doorplate.
  3、This paper, taking a doorplate as the landmark, studies the doorplate recognition algorithm by making full use of the modern image processing technology.

seventh grade office
eighth grade office
ninth grade office
lodging class office

Boarding class office

本人上海傲中大学 英语3系教授

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