
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29


General Manager, Mr. Shaun Hammond said having these London taxi’s bought to Chengdu, enhances our hotels international positioning, at the same time acknowledges the prestigious Millennium hotels we have in London and enhance the 5 star overall experience one can expect when visiting Millennium Hotel(千禧酒店) around the world.

总经理肖恩.哈蒙德(Shaun Hammond)说, 成都千禧酒店购进的"伦敦的士"可以增强我们酒店的国际地位, 同时也确立我们伦敦各千禧酒店的声望, 对于入住世界各地千禧酒店的客人来说, 也可以得到他们期望的一致的五星级体验.

This unique vehicle, the TX4 London Taxis is to be installed with DVD liquid crystal display monitors allowing to enhance our guest’s journey and let people know more about what Chengdu has to offer. Within our London Taxi it has an integrated fold down ramp, allows the wheelchairs to slide into the taxi and be securely locked into position. For those guests that have reduced mobility, there is a swivel chair that allows you to sit down by the curb and be transferred into the taxi without all the hassle and pain associated with climbing in.


The arrival of this London Taxi’s also supports our newly launched environmental educational program (Millennium Green) as it uses the most advanced energy-saving emission reduction technology, 100% carbon-neutral, that is, completely offset the environmental pollution caused by carbon dioxide.


Our team here also felt that the London taxis enhance their memory Olympic spirit that was shared by the people of China in the Beijing Olympic. As London is the destination for the 2012 Olympics it will allow the spirit to continue. This London icon really does cater for everyone; we understand that it is unique to the city and are extremely excited to have the London Taxi’s here and provide a very unique experience to our customers staying at our Luxurious Millennium Hotel Chengdu.

我们团队也感受到了“伦敦的士”带来了深刻的奥林匹克精神,这种精神也在北京奥运会上的中国人中分享。伦敦是2012年奥运会的举办城市,这让这种精神继续(传递)。 这种伦敦标志满足每一个人,我们相信这种车辆在这个城市里是独一无二的,并且我们对于引进“伦敦的士”到此感到非常激动,我们也相信,对于所有入住成都千禧大酒店的客人,“伦敦的士”将带给他们非凡的独一无二的感受。





我从LE PRÉ LENÔTRE穿过大厅,停在M吧,喝我的马提尼(应该是一种酒),并且和那里一个,为那次法国之旅而化名劳拉的,原名叫孙海兴的可爱女主人进行友好的交谈。这是一种令人高兴的方式来开始这个夜晚。喝完酒后,我向海兴道别后穿过大厅来到法国餐厅。
当饭店忙的时候,客人们干杯祝酒的声音就像钟楼里鸣响的钟一样响,我注意到很多人都说法语。平底器皿是来自于法国的由 Eternum 制的银质盘子。一个小的陶瓷的圆顶的蜡烛盖已经提升了在微弱的火焰中摇曳的巴黎的形象。所有的中式器皿都是真正的来于中国,南海珍珠藏品和PEARL SYMPHONY来自于日本的NIKKO。曲柄的盐和辣椒研磨器以及由 WMF饭店制作的沉重的银质盘子都给餐桌额外增加了优雅的成分。一个方形的玻璃花盆里放着很多由小的粉色和白色的鲜花制作的插花。最后,背景音乐来自于英国的Stacey Kent ,他是仅次于Diana Krall的我第二喜欢的爵士乐歌星。

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