
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

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城市热环境是城市空间环境在热力场中的综合表现,研究城市热环境可以了解城市的空间结构和城市的发展状况。本研究运用LST地表亮温反演法对被研究城市的高分辨率卫星Landsat TM图像进行亮温反演。

The urban thermal environment is the integrated manifestation of its space environment in the thermal field, and the study of urban thermal environment can help us to understand the urban spatial structure and the development of a city. This research uses LST surface brightness temperature inversion method to conduct the brightness temperature inversion for the image of a high-resolution satelite Landsat TM.


Using the classification method of the thermal island intensity to divide the inversed urban brightness temparature into different levels of thermal plaque as well as introducing the research methods of the landscape spatial structure in order to depend on the viewpoint of thermal landscape to study urban thermal field. The study on the thermal fields located in three middle cities in southern Chengdu Plain, makes a comparative study to grapically reflect the thermal environment situation in these three cities, and quantitatively shows the difference of the urban thermal landscape among them.


After the comparative analysis, it proposes feasible suggestions in order to improve the urban environment and relieve the urban thermal island effect.

Abstract摘要: With the growing international financial crisis on a serious blow to the world economy, China's economy has started to fall into the plight of a besieged on all sides伴随愈演愈烈的国际金融危机对世界经济的严重冲击,中国经济开始陷入一种四面楚歌的困境. The face of the status of crisis, the Government has drawn out the top ten as well as 4 trillion yuan two years of the program to stimulate the economy, which gradually began in all of China's largest investment and construction of the curtain.面对危机四伏的现状,政府制定出台了十大措施以及两年4万亿元的刺激经济方案,而这一切逐渐拉开了中国有史以来最大规模投资建设的序幕。 In this paper, the new State Department's "4000000000000" investment plans, from 4 trillion to the background and the pull of China's economic role in the country to deal with the economic crisis and domestic experience in large-scale investment for the potential risks and how to risk management research.本文针对国务院新提出的“4万亿”投资计划,从4万亿提出的背景和对中国经济的拉动作用,应对经济危机的国别和国内经验,对此次大规模投资可能出现的风险和如何进行风险管理进行研究。

Do not cut power belt load replacement high pressure isolator operating method research Abstract: High pressure isolator in the 10kV distribution network indispensable, mainly installs in distribution line's contact point, the partition place, the branch line and so on place, forms the obvious cut-off point in the electric circuit, and participates in the change movement way massively the floodgate operation but actually, therefore presents like this such breakdown unavoidably. Because the live-wire work may create the huge economic efficiency and the social efficiency, therefore in has under the live-wire work premise to be possible to adopt charged processing this kind of breakdown generally, the work method may adopt the belt load or the idling carries on replaces two ways, but considered in reality isolator's damaged condition (sometimes causes isolator to be unable the loss which separation) and the power cut creates, the main method needs to adopt the belt load replacement isolator. Key words: High pressure isolator; Belt load; Replacement

Do not replace the high-voltage electricity load isolation method of switching operations
Abstract: High-pressure isolation switch in the 10 kV distribution network in the essential, the main power distribution lines installed in the focal point, Sub-Department, the branch lines, etc., in a clear disconnect the circuit, and heavily involved in the operation to change the way inverted Gateway operation, so inevitable that this or that kind of failure. As Charged operations can create enormous economic and social benefits, so charged with operating under the premise of general charged can be taken to deal with such failure, the method of operation can be taken on-load or no load to be replaced in two ways, but in practice Disconnectors consider the extent of damage (sometimes lead to isolation switch can not be disconnected) and the losses caused by power failure, the main method is to take load isolation switch replacement.
Key words: high-pressure isolation switch;-load; replacement

Do not replace the high-voltage electricity load Disconnectors practices of Abstract: High-pressure isolation switch in the 10 kV distribution network in the essential, the main power distribution lines installed in the focal point, Sub-Department, the branch lines, etc., in the form of the circuit Obvious disconnect, and heavily involved in changing the operating mode switching operation, so difficultAvoid this or that kind of failure. As Charged operations can create enormous economic and social benefits, so charged with operating under the premise of general charged can be taken to deal with such failure, the method of operation can be taken on-load or no load to be replaced in two ways, but in practice test

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