
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26


good morning ladies and gentlemen,
My dream was activated by a toy plane my father bought me on my birthday. I was deeply attracted to this plane and then I began to study painstakingly. A seed of working with planes was planted in my heart.
Today I am honored to have this opportunity to my dream, in which I could continue to learn the theories, get on well with my colleagues and respectful leaders. I really hope that you could give me this chance to prove my ability and enhance my ability in cooperation with my colleagues, so that I could contribute myself to the company. Thank you very much.



当 ぇぅ 和中子活化分析 EI ぅぁ 你 ぅぅぁ 您的苹果时钟使用表或做诀窍,和



机器翻了下。。然后看着很不顺眼。。改了蛮多。。 但是第一段真的看不懂。。我不是专业人士啊。。第二段改得比较满意

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    答:as well the commerical leasing matters, complete index of merchants' investment.4 to establish and to maintain good relationship with government authorities.5 to take charge of developing high-qulities guests resources with needs of leasing.纯手工人脑翻译 若有错误请赐教指正 perseverance!
  • 那位英语强人帮忙翻译一下?
    答:那位英语强人帮忙翻译一下? 希望可以帮到你: The incredible beauty that I can hardly believe all the way. 那位帮忙翻译一下,用英语 Posterior hemivertebrae excision and pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of congenital scoliosis 那位英语高手帮忙翻译一下? 在阿肯色州的海洋,那里的水是蓝色的漂亮的矢...
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    答:从它的传统角色后退了的政府,当工作时间管理者应该采取步骤使更短的小时成为可能。The government which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time should take steps to make shorter hours possible.
  • 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译一下 很着急 先谢了
    答:翻译结果如下:With control theory, electronic technology, computer technology, communications and network technology development, control system has gone through a long development times. Control system has gone through a base-pneumatic instrument control systems, electric modules, the modular ...
  • 麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下,加急,要人工翻译的!!
    答:they were both caught up in the passionate mood of the lake and mountains in Spring time. As long as they could be together, the lady white snake was willing even to stand still under the umbrella for thousands of years.淅淅沥沥的雨下得太久了,夏天总是要来的,于是就有了那一...
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    答:node 4 +2 framework, the strategic position of the north, and further highlights the role. North flow will seize the historic opportunity to work hard to economic development and integration into the Pan-Tonkin Gulf region extends to the ASEAN countries.参考资料:google翻译 ...
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    答:He acts the leading role in the two movies.This kind of sport can not only build one's body and challenge the physical limits ,but also can strengthen one's courage.It is full of value of viewing.Then I'll play a video for you, in which the hero doesn't use any stunt...
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    答:대표 이사 :안녕하세요! 아주 주제넘은, 당신의 극도의 경외심 들어, 귀하&#...
  • 麻烦大家帮我翻译一下啊! 高手进哦 !