
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

Good morning,my dear teachers,
It 's my honour to become your student. Let me introduce myself :My name is *** from ***junior school,and my English name is Wofe.
I am very kind and helpful and always ready to help others. Besides , I have some hobbyies ,such as singing, dancing ,keeping pets and so on .I love English ,but poor at speaking and listening ,please excuse me ,if I make mistakes when ansering questions
If I 'm lucky enough to enter your school ,I will work harder than ever before to thank your kindness and timely help.
5.Thank you for your listening,that's all 感谢聆听

Mantis shows this strange appearance, I'm sure, you've never seen. Mantis its wings desperately open, its wing stood up, and upright have to like as the sails. Wings vertical in it back, mantis will the body's top bending up, looking like a root bending the handle of the crutch, and every now and then a yo-yo.

1.investigate the DVD leasing in a one-month cycle
2.as a cycle is terminating, the DVD leased out should all return to the website, in order not to affect the leasing in next cycle.
3.every member can get their favorite DVDs 后面你的意思中文不连贯,通顺
4.one DVD one time, every member should return the DVD he rent firstly, and rent another one.
5.Each member can only rent the same kind of DVDs for one time.
6.keep DVD intact.

A month for a cycle, consider in a cycle of the DVD rental situation

A cycle is ending, the lease out DVD all return website, do not affect the next period of the lease
A member in a cycle lease to oneself want to see DVD time does not affect his satisfaction

Members will be the first time only in the lease 3 a DVD back after the site, to carry out the second lease
Each member of the same kind of DVD can lease a
DVD in the leasing process without damage


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