
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

Welcome to Messi's world. Now let's enjoy his heroic posture on the foottball court.

It's never too late to learn. This is a simple

life philosophy, but few can accomplish. I always admire the people who
can put this philosophy into action, and Allan Stewart is one of them. He broke
the world record that the oldest man obtains a graduated degree. It’s hard to
believe that this energetic man was born in July 3, 1915. He gained his first degree in 1963, and the second degree as a M.D. Later, he acquired the master degree in jurisprudence
in 2006, when he was 80 years old. The forth degree of him was achieved through
online study. His persistence shows the remarkable spirit for a person who
keeps pursuing one’s dream. I am enlightened. His motto that challenge
yourself, and it’s never too late deeply touched me. I admire him intrinsically.
Allen Stewart, a man who is never too late to fight.
1. She reaches the apex of this mountain effortlessly.
2. Have you consult with your doctor about your illness?
3. Lacking self-confidence made my mind went blank.
4. You cannot help yourself falling love with this place.
5. He did a quick check of his watch, and he knew it was time to go.

Wednesday, sunny weather 2008-4-5
Today, I received an interesting work, I received three different styles of the guests, they were from India, Japan and the United States.
I am getting up to Sina Hotel, scheduled to good rooms, good company and contact arrangements for the reception drivers and three guests determine the arrival time. 13:30 pm Miss maisie who first arrived in the United States. It is clear that after nearly 30-hour long flight, she has long been exhausted, so in simple conversation with the arrangements after I put her to the hotel, gave her a more secluded room, her first bubble-bath, a good rest Click.
Then I started to prepare for the next two guests, they were arrived at 15:30 and 16:00. The first who is a small group of young Japanese, he called Jesse character cheerful, very talkative. When I told him there is another half an hour after a guest, he's very readily agreed to meet with me. So we get along very well, he is a spirit of the people, I asked a lot about the issue of Chengdu, I simply Yingjiebuxia. Finally, the last Indian guests arrived at the Murray, he looked a bit tired, but courteous, face smile. Hotels arrived, I went to Murray rest, then he should be required to Jesse on a number of Chengdu on the events of the past, then I will let him to go to the Hotel Club, where he played very happy.
18:30, I Juqi them to dinner. As we work table, and the eating habits of very different, so dishes I chose mainly to vegetables, fish and chicken meat as a further embellished with a small amount of sweets to taste light. Indians are fasting because the pork and beef, and most of those vegetarian. Americans talk tastes, like sweets, hate spicy food. Japanese preference for fish and seafood. They are very satisfied with this arrangement, we eat very happy, spent a pleasant evening.
At night, take account of their journey tired, I take them to walk from Red Star Street to take a walk, they have the leisure of Chengdu people expressed admiration and love, maisie said she hopes to be here some more days, we Tanxiaofengsheng, had the very pleasant. I have not returned to the hotel after the arrangements for activities to enable them early and the rest for a few days after the trip custody good spirit.

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