
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29





每个夜晚 每个黎明(应该是dawn吧)你哭泣



人生挚爱 你无法舍弃


水平有限 尽力了!!

When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.

When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.


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  • 谢谢各位了 我英语真的很差啊 麻烦您帮我翻译一下吧 不要机翻的 太谢 ...
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  • 谢谢各位了 我英语真的很差啊 麻烦您帮我翻译一下吧 不要机翻的 太谢 ...
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  • 谢谢各位了 我英语真的很差啊 麻烦您帮我翻译一下吧 不要机翻的 太谢 ...
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  • 谢谢各位了 我英语真的很差啊 麻烦您帮我翻译一下吧 不要机翻的 太谢 ...
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  • 请用英语帮我翻译这句话 谢谢
    答:三楼用的翻译器(语法有错误),一二楼翻译的不是很准确.我是英语翻译专业的.这个句子不好直译只能意译.Love is just a joke,which makes others laugh off one's head but makes ourselves feel painful with laughter.这是我的翻译楼主可以参考下(额这种很中文的语言翻译不好翻啊)...