
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

_There are_some flowers in garden.
The man_has_a mother and a father in his family.
__There is__some water in the bottle.
I__have__many books in my bookscase.

1、There is a building near the house.(改成一般疑问句并做肯定回答)
Is there a building near the house? Yes, there is.

2、There are classrooms in the building.(改成一般疑问句并做否定回答)
Are there classrooms in the building? No, there aren't.

3、There are (three) computer rooms in the school.(对括号部分提问)
How many computers are there in the school?
4、(There are five swings)in the garden. (对括号部分提问)
What are there in the garden?

Are there any dolls on the bed?
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.
There aren't any dolls on the bed.

Is there a lamp near the bed?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
There isn't a lamp near the bed.

I work for a company____ sells car 。这道题考察定语从句引导词的使用。
关系代词which/that 所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语。
关系副词where/when等可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。相当于"介词+ which"结构
上题中,company____ sells cars.从句缺少主语成分,因此which正确。而where不能起到代替主语的作用

总觉得这2个选项都是怪怪的。我的建议是用 that。

当然,which 勉强能说通,但如果是这样的话,相比来讲,用 where 就更通。公司里卖车子,不可以么?



只能选which,引导定语从句,先行词是a company,我在一家买汽车的公司工作。

如果用where,也可以引导定语从句,但是where在逻辑上应该做这个从句的状语,比如:I work for a company where I sell cars.意思是我在一家公司工作,在那儿我卖汽车。


company是sells cars的主语,所以用which.

我认为应该选A. 抛开定语从句其他解释来说,从sells就能判断,后面的从句说的是company所以要用第三人称单数.而如果想达到"我在一家公司上班,在那里我卖车."这种表达就可以用where,: I work for a company where( in which) I sell car.

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