
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11
  1. The Simple Present Tense 一般现在时


  everyone,everybody,no one,nobody,someone,somebody,nothing,everything,anything,以及none,each,every引导的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。


  Everyone is here. 大家都在这里。

  No one knows his name.  没有人知道他的名字。

  2. The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时




  3. The Simple Future Tense 一般将来时

  1) 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常

  与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next week,next year等。其构成为"助动词

  will +动词原形"。

  2) be going to 用于一般将来时态中,表示"打算,准备,将要……"。动词be 要随着主语的人称变



  He is going to walk to school.

  I am going to buy a new CD.

  They are going to wash the dishes after dinner.

  3) go,come,leave这三个词一般不放在be going to 的后面,这三个动词如果要表示将来时,要直接

  用be+ going/ coming/ leaving 的形式。


  They are leaving Beijing tonight.

  The teacher is coming.

  We are going to the Great Wall next Saturday.

  4.The Simple Past Tense一般过去时


  这些常用于修饰一般过去时的副词有:yesterday,yesterday morning(afternoon,evening),just now(刚才),before(以前),then (at that time)(当时),last + 时间 (如 last week,month,year,Monday,… January,… spring,…,etc.),that + 时间 (如 that day,afternoon,summer,…,etc.),时间 + ago (如 a few minutes ago,two weeks ago,years ago,… etc.)


  let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

  It's time to do sth. 到了该做某事的时间。

  want to do sth. 想做某事

  Would you like to do sth?你愿意做某事吗?

  help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

  like doing sth 喜欢做某事

  stop doing sth. 别做……了  stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

  finish doing sth. 结束做某事

  Why not do sth. 为什么不……?

  had better do sth 最好做某事

  enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

  What about doing sth? 做……怎么样?

  need to do sth. 需要做某事

  Thank you for doing sth. 谢谢你……

  tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

  be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事

  ask sb. to do sth. 请某人做某事 / 要求某人做某事
  1 see,hear,notice,find,feel,listen to,look at (感官动词)+ do eg: I like watching monkeys jump.

  2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越……

  3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 补:a place of interest 名胜

  4 agree with sb. 赞成某人

  5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一种/样

  6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界

  7 along with 同……一道,伴随……

  eg : I will go along with you 我将和你一起去

  The students planted trees along with their teachers. 学生同老师们一起种树。

  8 As soon as 一……就……

  9 as you can see 你是知道的

  10 ask for ……求助向……要……(直接接想要的东西)

  eg: ask you for my book

  11 ask sb. for sth. 向某人什么

  12 ask sb. to do sth. 询问某人某事 ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不要做某事

  13 at the age of 在……岁时

  eg:I am sixteen. I am at the age of sixteen.

  14 at the beginning of … ……的起初;……的开始

  15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾

  eg : At the end of the day

  16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候补:at least 至少

  17 be /feel confident of sth. /that clause + 从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信

  eg: I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test

  18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时

  19 be able to (+ v.原) = can (+ v.原) 能够……

  eg: She is able to sing. She can sing. 补:base on 以……(为)根据

  20 be able to do sth. 能够干什么 eg: She is able to sing.

  21 be afraid to do (of sth. 恐惧,害怕……

  eg: I'm afraed to go out at night. I'm afraid of dog.

  22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么

  eg: I'm allowed to watch TV. 我被允许看电视。I should be allowed to watch TV. 我应该被允许看电视。

  23 be angry with sb. 生某人的气

  eg: Don't be angry with me.

  24 be angry with (at) sb. for doing sth. 为什么而生某人的气

  25 be as … 原级 … as 和什么一样

  eg: She is as tall as me. 她和我一样高。

  26 be ashamed to

  27 be away from 远离

  28 be away from 从……离开

  29 be bad for 对什么有害

  eg: Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes. 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好。

  30 be born 出生于

  31 be busy doing sth. 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth. 忙于……

  32 be careful 当心;小心 be close to … 离……很近

  33 be different from … 和……不一样

  34 be famous for 以……著名

  35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好

  36 be from = come from 来自

  eg:He is from Bejing. He comes from Bejing.Is he from Bejing? Does he come from Bejing?

  37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满

  eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water

  38 be glad + to do/从句做某事很高兴

  39 be going to + v.(原) 打算,计划,准备……

  40 be good at(+ doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……

  41 be good for 对什么有好处

  eg: Reading aloud is good for your English.

  42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事

  43 be helpful to sb. 对某人有好处

  eg: Reading aloud is helpful to you. 大声朗读对你有好处。

  Exercising is helpful to your bady. 锻炼对你的身体有好处。

  44 be in good health 身体健康

  45 be in trouble 处于困难中

  eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble

  46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣

  47 be late for = come late to 迟到

  eg: Be late for class 上课迟到

  48 be like 像……

  eg: I'm like my mother.

  49 be mad at 生某人的气

  50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料) 补:be made in 在……生产或制造

  51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料)

  52 be not sure 表不确定

  53 be on a visit to 参观

  54 be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎补:be please with 对…感到满意

  55 be quiet 安静

  56 be short for 表……的缩写

  eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰

  57 be sick in bed 生病在床

  58 be sorry to do sth. be sorry for sb.

  eg: I am sorry for you.

  59 be sorry to hear that

  60 be sorry to trouble sb.

  eg: I am sorry to trouble you.








  5.坚持阅读 课外拓展 锦上添花



1. 人教版初中英语知识点总结

2. 八年级英语知识点总结

3. 英语必考知识点归纳

4. 英语语法总结大全

5. 八年级上册英语知识点总结

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