brightly与slightly区别?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03



It is a b____day today.Let's go out to play football. 中只能填 bright,估计这个不会有争议;但在 The sun is shining ____. 里就会有争议。其实填 bright 或 brightly 都可以见到。有人说,如果就此一句,应该填 bright,如果有其他的句子成分,就应该填 brightly,如:
The sun was shining brightly as the flowers grew.
When the flowers have grown, the sun will have shone brightly.

I am listening to the sports _news_.(根据首字母填写)

What size bowl of noodles would you like ?
—_A medium bowl_,please.
A Some small B A medium bowl C A little D Very large

I want you to write your names __on___ the cards.(填介词)

1. brightly adv. 明亮地
eg. The moon was shining brightly. 月光皎洁。
2. slightly adv. 苗条地/轻微地,有一点/脆弱地
eg. He is very slightly built. 他的体格非常瘦弱。
It is slightly longer. 它稍微长些。
3. 这两者差别太大了啊,相信楼主能看得出来啊.


Look at his bright face; he is not a bit old.
看他满面春风, 一点也不老。

I knew him slightly.


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