
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05



Lighting key

"Light" button is used to control the light switch.According to the next, lighting lamp state changes, at a time that change from light to destroy, or by the lights,

The installation instructions

1, install,

Place clean mask to the appropriate location, will adjust the supporting feet at the bottom of the adjustment to the same height, adjust cabinet put oneself in another's solid not rock.

2, preparation before use

Will the machine matching the power cord plug on the power socket, insert the other end received network outlet.

3, each function buttons

Lighting button: is a lighting lamp control keys, each according to the next, lighting lamp state changes, which change from light to destroy, or destroyed by the light;

Disinfection key: control switch of the uv lamp, each time you press the, disinfection lamp state changes, at a time by both light turn out, or by the light.Use anti-virus function with the adjustment of the rising and falling into antivirus time, glass door can't move.Adjust for 30 minutes at a time to increase or decrease, the maximum is 3 hours and 30 minutes.

1) disinfection, people should leave the room, in order to protect the eyes and skin, avoid the harm caused by accidentally exposed;

2) the intensity of ultraviolet lamp according to manufacturer specifications regularly detection, suggest once a quarter, unqualified replacement;

/i:d/ 这个我知道有个id但是是短音没有那个“:”
/il/ ill
/kæn/ can
/bæn/ ban
/pæk/ pack
/nəu/ no 或者 know
/auə/ our
/wi:/ we
/tekst/ text
/d3i:p/ jeep
/ti:tfə/ teacher



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