
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

Remember that time I was a little girl.When sometimes fell ill,my grandmother would take me to the hospital.There have many people in white.Finally I knew who are they.They are the angels in white.The nurses work there.As a matter of fact,they help the patient recover from the illness and look after them with care.Even though they didn't know each other.I was greatly touched by their spirit and dreamed of being a nurse like them.Wish my dream could come true.

I have a dream,I want to be a nurse when I graduate .Now I am in Grade 2 of a medical school.I study very diligently in order to make my dream come true.I am ready to help others.I think helping people in need is of great value.I would like to care for the patients and the injured.I hope my dream will come true.【我的梦想,当一名护士】


I really want to be a nurse. In my mind, a nurse is a angels in white, who drives away the pain and troubles of patients with a sweet smile and a kind heart.


I hope I can become a nurse when I grow up and be everyone's "angels in white".


In my life, a nurse and aunt had an injection. Since then, I hope I can be a nurse when I grow up.


I hope I can bring smiles and warmth to patients like that aunt, so that children are no longer afraid of injections.



I really want to be a nurse. In my mind, a nurse is an angel in white. She drives away the sufferings and troubles of patients with her sweet smile and kind heart.


When I walk into the ward in my white nurse uniform every day, I always face every patient with a smile.


When a patient's illness is very serious, I will be around them day and night to observe whether their illness has improved.


I will also calm the families of the patients so that they will not be too nervous.


I will take good care of the patients until they are out of danger.


I will use my actions to become a qualified angel in white in the near future.


Remember that time I was a little girl.When sometimes fell ill,my grandmother would take me to the hospital.There have many people in white.Finally I knew who are they.They are the angels in white.The nurses work there.As a matter of fact,they help the patient recover from the illness and look after them with care.Even though they didn't know each other.I was greatly touched by their spirit and dreamed of being a nurse like them.Wish my dream could come true.



I want to be a nurse
Nurse is an angel in white. I want to be a nurse. First of all, it's a happy thing to help patients recover from illness. Secondly, nurses have a stable income.Finally, nurses can get people's respect.
In order to realize my dream, I want to learn biology knowledge from now on.

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