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标题: 我的爱好
Topic: My hobby

我的爱好是 绘画
My hobby is drawing

I really enjoy drawing

Drawing makes me feel happy

经常会手绘涂鸦一些可爱的 奇怪的卡通
I often hand-paint cute but weird cartoons

偶尔也会用电脑做设计 会一些软件 例如 PS ILL ID
Sometimes though, I also use computers to do design. I know how to use some software, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and ID.


My hobbies

I like drawing very much, because it will make me very happy. I often doodle some cuty and odd cartoons and sometimes make designs on computer, for i can operate some drawing softwars, such as PS ILL ID.

Title: My love
标题: 我的爱好

My hobbies are painting
我的爱好是 绘画
I like painting
I can paint a happy happy
Often some lovely hand-painted graffiti strange cartoon
经常会手绘涂鸦一些可爱的 奇怪的卡通
Occasionally will use computers to design some software such as the PS ILL ID
偶尔也会用电脑做设计 会一些软件 例如 PS ILL ID

Title: My Hobby

My hobby is painting.

I enjoy painting very much.

Painting can make me feel happy.

(I) often hand drew some cute and lovely cartoons.

偶尔(我)也会用电脑做设计,会一些软件,例如 PS ILL ID
Sometime I use computer to do design. I know how to use some softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator and ID.


My hobby is drawing.
I love drawing very much.
Drawing makes me feel happy.
I usually draw some lovely and strange cartoons.
Sometimes I use computers to do some designs, I know how to use some softwares such as Photoshop ,illustrator and ID.

Title: My Hobby

My hobby is painting.

I enjoy painting very much.

Painting makes me feel happy.

I often drew some lovely cartoons.

偶尔(我)也会用电脑做设计,会一些软件,例如 PS ILL ID
Sometimes I use computer to do some designs. I know how to use some softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator and ID.

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