
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-22
把下面的单词连成一句话. 1.your nose touch() 2.face the co

your nose touch(Touch your nose.)2.face the colour (Colour the face.)3.at look my face (Look at my face.)4.is your here ticket (Here is your ticket.)

Touch your nose and face.

touch your nose,look at my face.

touch your nose look at my face

  • 造句1、your,nose,touch! `
    答:And when I touch it, happiness comes. 当我触摸它时,快乐就来了。you must touch your nose。你必须触摸你的鼻子。
  • 连词成句,1your,nose,touch.2at,look,my,face.
    答:touch your nose,look at my face.祝您步步高升 期望您的采纳,谢谢
  • 连词成句1.psns,five,there,are 2.nose,your,touch,piease 3.English...
    答:1 There are five pens.2 Please touch your nose.3 What's this in English?
  • on put put·s your nose bandage a 连词成句
    答:Put a bandage on your nose.A bandage is put on your nose.
  • nose,apple,can,the,you,put,your,on连词成句
    答:Can you put this egg on your nose?Can she touch the flowers with her mouth?Yes, she can./No, she can't.个人意见,仅供参考.
  • 连词成句;does nose hurt your
    答:Does someone hurt your nose?
  • 小学连词成句
    答:this is the lynn park liming arrived in bejing yesterday I am looking at a picture now
  • nosehasltalong连词成句
    答:nose、has、It、a、long 用这些单词连词成句是:It has a long nose.它有一个长鼻子。重点词汇释义::long:长的; 长时间的; 冗长的,过长的; 长音的; 长久地; 始终; 遥远地; 长时间,长时期; 长音节; 长尺寸; 长裤; 渴望,极想 nose:鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分; 嗅出,闻...
  • 连词成句知道。
    答:The monkey is lovely.May I have a look?I have a bird.Touch your nose.I have a duck.
  • touch,I,my,nose,cαn,touch(,.)这个连成句子怎么连?
    答:连词成一个简单句:多了一个 touch 。I can touch my nose.我可以触摸到我的鼻子 。