在线送分,求人工翻译几句话(100多字)~  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

1.2006年10月1日,在没有任何过渡的情况下,卓越网全面改版,版面风格完全效仿亚马逊。这也宣告了卓越由过去专注图书音像产品的“小而精”路线,全面转向如今已有20 个产品类别的“大而全”的亚马逊模式,正式与国际“接轨”。而对于已经彻底亚马逊化的卓越来讲,借助亚马逊的资金、技术等支持,能否在未来的竞争中取胜尚不得而知。
1.On Oct.1, 2006, Joyo's webpage was completely changed without any transition and the layout style completely followed that of the Amazon. It also declared Joyo's overall shift from the past policy of "Be small and excellent" in audio-video products to the current pattern of Amazon's "Be big and complete" with twenty categories of products and its official "convergence" to the international track. But for the completely Amazonized Joyo, it is still uncertain whether it will win the competition in the future with Amazon's financial, technical and other supports.

2. Amazon's initial desire was to purchase Dangdang with the condition that it could acquire Dangdang's 70-90 percent of the stake with $150,000,000 so that it would have the absolute control of the holding while retaining Dangdang's original management team. When that was flatly rejected by Dangdang, Amazon had to make the less favorable approach of purchasing Joyo. As a result, Dangdang has now become the biggest headache in the competition for Amazon in China. In the B2C fight with Dangdang, Joyo has been at a disadvantage and Amazon has paid a painful price for its failure in purchasing Dangdang.

1. Within the 4 years Amazon combined Joyo, they meet a lot of difficulties and problems in exploring Chinese market.
2. With this background, I would like to try to summary the opioin of the main reseach contributors in this field, and sort out the threotical logic, create my own idea. Try to find the basic principle for Amazon difficulties and the solution.
3. At the beginning, I hold great expectation for Amazon into China, regard it as the best website retail sale company. It will give chance for domestic E-business people to learn closely, but now it seems some disspointing at least my personal feeling. Amazon China regards Chinese customers as just normal customers, but Chinese customers are not same as any other customers in the world.

1. No matter whether the way of business to business, business to customer or the logistics website, a key factor is how to cover the population who seldom surf the internet. Especially in China, whose level of economic development is still low, it will be a long process when the internet population keeps low. Only when a good way appear which can cover the whole population with the advantage of E-commerce, the E-commerce will be successful in China.

2. In America, the internet marketing reduces the operation cost of books sharply. Therefore, Amazon company is able to sell books at a much lower price than the normal price. However, in China, the limit of market scale make the cost of books sold on internet change little, while the relatively high cost of internet and logistics causes the cost of books, which appear low, to increase greatly.

1. Be it B2B, B2C or logistics websites, a key factor is how to cover the offline population. This is particularly true in China, where the relatively backward economic development means a small online population for a long time in future. Only by adopting good measures to apply the advantages of e-business to both online and offline populations can it be successful to carry out e-business in China.

2. In the USA, network marketing has greatly reduced the operational costs of books. Therefore, the Amazon Company is able to sell at a price much lower than the market average. In China, however, the restrictions on market scale indicate only small changes in the costs of online book marketing. Instead, the Internet and logistic expenditures increase the apparently lower costs of books.

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