
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11


当我们访问网站的第一次,我们向往的风景内陆日本海。我们的主题建筑是抽象这一特点鉴于这一领域,其中包括屋顶瓦片,并把它纳入建设。我们试图把结构中的景观详细的屋顶,由抽象和fractionalizing到粒子的视线。然而,这不是'复制并粘贴'的风景周围。我们旨在架构,轻轻地浮到表面,而融入环境。虽然大规模的文娱中心不同于它周围的房屋,但是他们仍然共用粒子-屋顶瓦片-构成的建筑物,这是一个优势日本瓦片屋顶。屋顶本身可以是大规模的,但具有相同的粒子其他建筑物可以删除其意义的压力。所以从一开始我们强调使用真实的瓷砖。正宗瓦(纯长方形砖和空心砖是半环形交替使用)是不同的粒子(谷物) ,当用作百叶窗,瓷砖之间的空间可以遮蔽。首先是整个规划的数量已经习惯秩序的设计,但我们工作中的相反的方向-决定详细第一。

Shanghai obtains the sponsorship of World Expo ,it is not only advantageous to improve and sustain the economy of Shanghai ,at the same time ,also it will as an important "engine" to Impel economic growth of China.The World Expo is known as " the grand meeting of economical Olympics " .It will not only bring the opportunity for the development of the participation country ,
expand international communication and the cooperation,improve the development of nations,also it creats huge economic efficiency
for the Sponsor country and has the profound influence,What the main elaboration of this article is the influence of World Expo to the Shanghai"s economy

兄弟,这是老哥给你翻译的,相信错误不是太多,几乎忽略不计,Shanghai"s economy 那个引号我打不出来,你自己改一下。靠,给你翻译了半小时。如何谢我?呵呵。

(Shanghai was the right to host the World Expo, Shanghai is not only conducive to sustained and rapid economic growth and will also promote China's economic growth as a major "engine." Expo has been called the "Economic Olympics event," said. Expo will not only bring development to the participating countries the opportunity to expand international exchanges and cooperation, promoting economic development, but also to create a great country held the economic benefits, which have a far-reaching impact, this paper focuses on the World Expo On Shanghai's economic impact. )

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