
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
求翻译,中译英!!! 麻烦哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面三句话。谢!!

1.I'm twenty-one years old now and I'd like to work as an inventor as you.Could you tell me what should I do?
2.Could you please tell me what do you do everyday on work?
3.Could you tell me that how could you estimate the inner value of a company?Thanks a lot.

the best encouragement to yourself is the confidence. But whatever, you should do more practice before the exam, and you will have the fully prepare. A good attitude makes you have confidence while not feel heavy pressure. Only to do your best can you use all the knowledge you have learned. It is not much important that will you get a better score. please keep healthy, have a better attitude and enthusiasm to take the exam.

  1. Not all of the money he gave us, it's mostly used to pay for your own to China a few months of the time required for daily expenses, the money that you bring your own, not for us.

  2. My manager did not know whether you have counted if you come to China for a few months all the necessary cost about how much.

  3. My manager worrys that if you do not bring enough money, then you might not be able to pay your own in China during the past few months the cost, so the costs you probably need a few months in China are added to the inside.

All of the money is not for us, for the most part it is you to pay for this a few months to China needed for daily expenses, and the money is with yourself, not for us.
My manager said don't know if you have it, if you needed to live a few months to China about how much is the total expenses covered.
My manager worry if you don't have more money, that you may be unable to pay their fees during this a few months in China, so they just to you a few months in China about the cost of all inside.

The money is not everything to us, it is the most daily expense you used to pay to China in the months of time, the money is your own with, not to us.
I said do not know if you have not done if you all expenses required to China a few months to live is probably how much.
My manager worried about you if not with a little more money, that you may not be able to pay for their own these months in China during the period of the cost, so they will add you in there are in China a few months about the cost of.

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