
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-16



按钮上的英文是:更改密码 稍后询问我。

Ubisoft 帐号安全更新
更改密码(change password)


Security update regarding your Ubisoft account

For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password.
Additional information can be found here



  • 求英文翻译
    答:The boy resembles his mother.2.中国教育制度的不足 Defect in China's education system China's education system is not adequate 3.和旅游业的发展有密切的关系 Closely related to tourism development.4.趋散围观者 Dispersing the spectators / bystanders / onlookers.5.含混不清的一封电子邮件...
  • 求中文翻译为英文
    答:Do dump the garbage into the trashbin, we are responsible for protecting the environment and watch the hygiene.3、红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯亮了等一等,我们要遵守交通规则。Stop in Red, move in Green, and wait in Yellow, we've got to obey the traffic rules.4、爱护别人的劳动成果,...
  • 求翻译成英文
    答:The stars look as if they were still,but in reality they are in constant movement.2今早,杰克扛一个重箱子是把背给弄伤了.(injure)2. Jerk injured his back when he carried a heavy box this morning.3这台打印机似乎工作不正常.(function)3.The printer seems don't function normall...
  • 求英文翻译
    答:May you be happy living with him.(虚拟语气的倒装可以表达和强烈的祝愿)2. 希望你和他在一起永远幸福!May you be happy with him forever!(呃,和上面那句差不多哈)3. 我原谅你.你们好好在一起吧! 你在我身上发生的事.希望不要发生在别人身上了.I've forgiven you. May you two stay...
  • 求英文翻译
    答:I'm lie down in the city by myself.Just hope to warm.没有人会爱上这张憔悴的脸 Nobody to like this face.我的叹息人们也不会听得见 泪水涌上了双眼 and nobody will hear that my sigh. tears in my eyes.这不是我曾经梦想的生活 It isn't my dream life.妈妈 ,你还是把我带...
  • 高分求英文翻译
    答:moonlit valley(意思偏向于月光谷)或者lunar valley(意思偏向于月亮谷)moonlit是adj. 意思是 月光照耀的 lunar 是adj. 阴历的, 微亮的, 月的 我感觉你这个月上谷带有一定的意境 不是前面几个回答者所说的简单的 Luna Valley 或者upon (the) moon valley (这个是强调事物上升到月上谷,强调...
  • 求翻译成英文 谢谢些
    答:Hi! I am lin lin, and my English name is Anna.Please call me Anna. New in this big family, I am glad to know you all.I like the surrounding here.and hope I can soon become part of it. I really feel honoured to work here with you all. I hope we can work together...
  • 求翻译成英文
    答:of local area network on basic-level radio and television and its security solution.4 信息隐藏算法的研究 4.The research on hiding information algorithm 楼上翻译得很好,但是“实现”在这里似乎更应该用implement。implement可用于项目的实现,而realization更偏向于主观上的计划,梦想之类的实现。
  • 求翻译成英文,在线等。
    答:in face of the English.3、学英语从最基础抓起,多记单词,多看语法,多说,多听,慢慢的你会喜欢的。You should focus the most basic part when your learning English:to recite more glossary,to read more grammer,to say more and to listen more.Then you will like it gradually....
  • 求翻译成英文
    答:I am a special examinee, I know, my poor : 1,. English listening is very poor, the basic will not hear. Therefore, I hope you can use Chinese to answer some question. 2. I is a professional, so, I started the foundation is very bad, but this does not affect, I ...