
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

Let's Begin
If you do not have a Japanese rice cooker, a heavy pot with lid is essential( I like Lagostina cookware). One secret is to always measure your ingredients carefully. Following is a basic sushi rice recipe for rolled sushi. Also, the type of rice you use is most important.

We recommend the following brands: Kokuho Rose, Tamaki Gold, Tamanishiki, Nozomi and Yume.

Prepare Your Tezu
Your first step is to prepare your vinegar-water solution called tezu. Mix together 250 ml of water, 30 ml of rice vinegar (Marukan and Mitsukan are excellent) and 5 ml of salt.

(yields - 4 large rolls [futomaki] or 10 small rolls [hosomaki]) 500 ml Sushi Rice
600 ml Water
60 ml Rice Vinegar
30 ml Sugar
5 ml Salt

Wash The Rice
Wash the rice several times until the water runs fairly clear when draining. Let your wash rice strain for 30 minutes. Transfer the rice to your pot or Japanese electric rice cooker and add the measured water.

Cook The Rice
For electric rice cookers, turn on and wait for rice to finish cooking. For stove top cooking heat to boiling , cover tightly and simmer at lowest heat allowing the rice to steam for 18 minutes. You must leave it covered... no peaking!

Remove your pot from the heat and let stand covered for another 15 minutes.

Prepare Your Sushi Vinegar
Mix the vinegar, sugar and salt together in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and let your sushi vinegar cool to room temperature.

Take a wooden spatula or spoon and cut and fold the rice. Be gentle as you do not want to smash the cooked grains.

Prepare Your Mixing Bowl
Moisten your bowl with a cloth dampened with your TEZU mixture. The traditional bowl to use is the flat-bottomed wooden sushi oke or hangiri. The porous wood absorbs excess moisture and the large surface allows the rice to cool more quickly and evenly.

Put the hot rice into your mixing bowl and add 1/4 of the sushi vinegar solution. Mix with a folding motion so as to not smash your perfect sushi rice. Repeat until all sushi vinegar is used.

Fan Your Rice
After mixing, fan [electric fan will work] the hot rice mixture for about 5 or 6 minutes in order to remove excess moisture and create a glossy shine to your rice. Your rice should have a slight chewiness and be sticky to the touch.

You're Done
Et Voila! Sushilinks' perfect sushi rice – ready for rolling!

1、寿司是日本的一种特色食品,就像中国的饺子可以用汉语拼音 jiaozi 翻译一样,寿司也可以用直接用日语的罗马拼音 sushi, 如有必要,可以另外加注释性的同位语 a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished 。
2、紫菜包饭属于写实名字,可以意译为 rice wrapped with laver

主料大米300克 胡萝卜1条 黄瓜1条 鸡蛋1个 寿司海苔3张
Ingredients 300 grams of rice and carrot 1 cucumber 1 egg 1 sushi seaweed 3
辅料苹果醋20克 盐2克
Accessories apple cider vinegar 2 grams of salt 20 grams
Sushi practice
1 meters rice cooker with rice in advance. Carrot and cucumber. Cut into small strips, water boil, water, water, cucumber drag on the water, carrots to 2 minutes, can go to Xin Lawei
2 fried egg
3 cut
4 cooked rice scattered, hot mix Pingguo Cu with salt. Lay a layer of seaweed sushi rice, rows of carrots, cucumber, egg roll, tight strip, cut into six segments
Cooking techniques to cook rice water, do not put more, rice should be cooked and into the grain. Cut sushi roll with sharp knife

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