
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

1,(Heard about she failed) again in the exam,.....
2,(The college that he is going to) hasn't been decided.
3,That was (the reason why she didn't come to) the party.
楼上有错误。第二题明显要用college大学作主语,后面跟that或者which定语从句。That he choose which university结构明显错误。


The train go quickly above the ground between the two stations.
We have already collected plenty of information about the south pole.
While she was on holiday, someone looked after her cat.


1 In the southern province of Katanga, however, there is a tense, sometimes shaky peace .
然而,在加丹加省的南部,有一种紧张,有时是摇摇欲坠(不稳固)的和平 。


2 Just having a green roof may not mean anything in terms of preventing water from reaching the street level .

3 Green roofs can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water runoff into streets and storm water systems.

4 Four hundred fifty thousand people returned to Katanga by the middle of this year .

5 Consumer confidence, a measure of how Americans feel about the world's largest economy, is at its lowest in at least forty years.




4。 4500万人返回了加丹加省在今年年中





四、4 100 5.00万人返回了加丹加省在今年年中



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